Monday, November 30, 2015


Well the mountain has peaked. We are on the downside. Wow. That was
quick. In 1 year to the day I will be stepping off of the plane.
Geeeeeez. That's weird but hey what ever.

So Monday we played some dodgeball and stuff. Ate some taco smell. Ya
know the normal stuff. I really couldn't do much because of my knee so
I learned how to play Jurassic park on the piano instead. Later that
night we went to eat dinner at a member who lives like 45 mins away so
they picked us up and it was mad tasty. Good steak. Good ole wengel
family. Their daughters are super cute and one of em is named lolo. 😱
but it was a good Monday none the less.

Tuesday was a lot of driving around trying to find people who were on
the Referal list which we found most of them so that was pretty good.
Really other than that nothing much happened. Just come boring but I
mean it's OK. Later on we went to the second counselor's house and we
ate Hawaiian haystacks I had never had those before. That or I haven't
remembered having those. We then got a text from Josh saying that you
wanted to move his baptismal date we were a little surprised because
he seemed really solid so we asked if we could come over and see him
but he was kind of busy that night so didn't end up happening but we
were going to see him the next night anyways because we were having
dinner with him and his girlfriend so but we were still a little

Wednesday was a lot of the same we visited some less active members
just before Thanksgiving and we also went looking for members that
were less active and we found a few and we ended up getting a few
referrals from some people that were "believers" and it was pretty
cool and so we're going to see them this upcoming week and we actually
found some person who is interested in the Gospel that lives right
underneath another investigator so that was pretty cool. We then had
dinner with Josh and his girlfriend at this really good Asian
restaurant well it was more thai but it was good and we managed to
solve Josh's concerns about baptism and he still wants to be baptized
he just want to make wants to make sure that it's the right decision
and that he has a testimony of it before he jumps into the wonders of
baptism which is actually really cool because he recognizes what it is
and how important it is. After that we went right next-door and there
was a pet shop so we saw a little lemur thing and we sauce and some
lizards and some snakes, Some guinea pigs, some hamsters, some
hedgehogs, and also some ferrets. I would totally own a ferret if they
didn't stink.

Thursday was Thanksgiving I was pretty fun deep-fried turkey which was
totally Southern and totally absolutely delicious we played a little
bit of football which was pretty fun and we also had district meeting
later that night and everyone just kind of brought treats and it was
just fun it was is really just a Tonna fun we really enjoyed it and
then we drove Elder back home and ya. Good thanksgiving.

Friday was weekly planning and we didn't have a car so it's just kind
of boring and nothing extremely eventful happened so I'm not going to
talk to much about this so yeah.

Saturday was a normal day we went around and saw a few less actives we
went and saw T I who is a recent convert and he's Chinese and she's
super cool he told us about how he used to be a communist but now is a
Mormon now and it was just kind of a funny story. He's prolly one of
my favorite people. Later that night we went to dinner at a recent
converts house and I had stuffed cabbage and that was by far the
weirdest thing I have ever ate on my mission or in Palm Bay. It wasn't
too bad but it wasn't good either just cabbage and meat and rice.

Sunday was a good day I enjoyed it everyone is really friendly and we
got a ton of meals signed up since it's the holidays and just overall
was a really good Sunday I enjoyed it and felt like I learned a lot
and we had an investigator there so that was really cool so other than
that it was a good Sabbath. Later that night we ate French toast and a
members house and got attacked by three little girls who are in sane
and must have a diet consisting of maple syrup and chocolate milk and
pixie sticks because they are literally that insane and I feel so bad
for their parents because these little girls are just crazy psychos
but yeah that was Sunday.

That was my week is pretty good I hit my one-year mark this week on
Thursday so I'm kind of excited for that and then I'll just start the
downhill slide as they say but looking forward this week and let's
see what happens love you.

Elder Hanson

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