Monday, November 9, 2015

Guinea pig gator chili! ( just kidding)

So 11 months. Huh. You never really thing that you will ever get this
far in your mission. But man when it comes it's comes up and slaps you
in the face. It's hard to believe that I was enjoying my las month a
year ago and on the 29th I start the infamous downhill slide. (Ps the
29th of 2016 is my return date). But aside from that good ole
sentimental crap I have had one of the most bizarre and craziest weeks
of my mission. So join me for a story won't ya.

Monday was probably one of the most craziest, funniest, longest pday's
that I have had while serving. So to begin I got the opportunity to
wake up at 430 in the morning. Why? Cuz I had to go pick up other
elders and buy ice cream. Why? Cuz I was going to the beach. That's
right I finally got the legendary beach Pday. Man it has been a long
time coming. Some missionaries don't even get the beach pday but I
did. So I got the chance to watch the sunrise on the beautiful
indialantic beach off of the island of Florida. I got to eat ice cream
while doing that. I got to play ultimate frisbee, build a sandcastle,
try to defend said sand castle from waves, avoided the waves because
Satan lives in the water, buried a sister, realized that there was
sand literally everywhere. Generally going to the beach was fun.
Caught some sand crabs. Touched a jelly fish. I mean it was just
awesome. Afterwards we went to a diner and ate some super good
breakfast. Man it was good. After that we went and hung out with a
bunch of other missionaries. To say the least I was really worn out at
the end of everything. Like I was just exhausted. I literally at the
end of the day biked home, took a shower, and passed out on my bed at
9:30. It was just killer.

Tuesday was a pretty good day. For the most part we were still
recouping from the day before and a lot of our appointments cancelled
so were scrambling for a bit. But it all worked out in the end.

Wednesday was just kinda like bizarre. So we were going to go help a
family with her two teenage boys with there preach my gospel study.
Kinda doing a mini missionary prep thing. So like an hour and a half
before we were going to bike there we get a text asking if we can come
over asap because a Guinea pig died and needed to be taken care of. So
being the kind gents we are we went early. En route I very narrowly
avoided getting hit by a car, had an attractive girl wink at me by the
college campus, broke my bike pedal and almost got hit again. I think
it's safe to say that I have little to no faith in Florida drivers or
my bike anymore. So we make it and we disassemble to cage and dig like
a 3 foot deep hole which in Florida is no challenge whatsoever. So we
put the little feller in there and just kinda stood there and had a
moment of silence. Then one of the kids pipes up. I hated that stupid
thing. That was like one of the highlights of my day. I about died but
kept my cool. So we did that and had our lesson and it was about lunch
time and were over by the college campus and we had three choices for
lunch. A pizza place, an Indian restaurant, and 7/11. So first of
Indian is out of the question so naturally we mosey on over to the
pizza place. We open the door Not the best image. So I
can't got to the pizza place and I ain't gunna eat Indian food while
biking so 7/11. I can honestly say that it was pretty good. I actually
enjoyed it. It was a nice hot meal for the cheap. So I mean faith in
7/11 has gone up and it was already pretty high since I knew they had
slurpees and Arizona on tap. So We got to meet with our gator josh
after him being out of town for a week. So a little bit about josh. So
we had an experience when we had to go to church early to drop the
elders tucker and Mortensen  off so that they could make it to a
branch meeting in barefoot bay. It was a blessing in disguise. As we
sat in the foyer we were approached by a member with her boyfriend who
flat out said that he wanted to take the lessons and learn more about
the church. Josh is now through the first three lessons and has a
baptism date. He has also went from saying "if he gets baptized..." To
"when he gets baptized". Josh is ready to be baptized and is
incredibly solid. He's a legend! He is the coolest gator I have ever
taught and he cooks for us and like wow. He's good at it too. Like
steak. And burgers. Gah he's so cool. Later that night Stephen our
good bud took us out to eat at crack barrel (cuz it's so good) and we
ate n talked and moseyed around the store because you just can't not
do that. And I see a jaw harp and a harmonica for sale. So ya know
what I did I picked em up. One because you don't here many people say
that they have a jaw harp and two I need something musical to do
because I miss music. So after I picked those up Ostler picked up a
recorder and ya know what Stephan bought em for us. Stinker. Though I
do enjoy it. After that we biked on over to Eric a less active (who is
now active I might add) to teach and just talk with him. Turns out he
raps and he's Purty guud at it.

Thursday I had my doctors appointment. That was fun. Not really. I
hated it. A lot. A lot a lot. But I survived and also found that I
feel like a nascar driver on the turnpikes. Elder Ostler also fell
asleep so it was me and the road again. That's always been peaceful
for me. Later that night I finally got to try a food that I have
always wanted to try while serving in Florida. Alligator. I was so
happy when they said they were frying up alligator. And I can say that
I really do enjoy Alligator. It was a little bit tougher because it
was the jowls so it was a little bit chewer. I don't think elder
Ostler was that into it but I loved it. I had seconds. Also found
where to buy gator souvenirs so heads up. Christmas is coming.

Friday we had district meeting and chick fil a afterwards which was
the first time I've had chick fil a in oh I don't know 8 months so it
was a happy reunion. We planned and not a lot of exciting things
happened that day.

So Saturday there was a big ole stake activity and it was a pretty
good. I got roped into being a chili judge. I judge 21 chilies. I
rated them on smell,thickness,color, and after taste. And for heat,
appearance, best meat and non meat, and uniqueness. I'll tell you what
I had a few really good chilies, some mediocre chilies, and some
really really really bad chilies. The best was either a gator chili or
a bbq meats chili. By far the worst was one with doctor pepper in it.
It was spicy yes but holy cow it was bad. It was also made by my ward
mission leader and it won most unique. Mainly because it was bad and
we remembered it. While I was judging there was a big old rain storm
and everyone got pretty soaked but not me cuz I was inside. So side
note. With eating 21 different chilies. They tend to make you not feel
so good. And also well gas. Oh mercy the gas.

Sunday there was the primary program for the ward and I can honestly
say it was the most favorite I have ever seen primarily because I've
gotten to know these little kids and their families and I also think
that they are all adorable. Man I am a sucker. Especially for those
little girls. They actually come up to me just because they know that
I most likely have candy. Women. They getcha.

So this week was a lot more exciting. I get to go buy new bike pedals
and insoles for my shoes cuz man they are worn down also it's a nice
little gift for myself. I'll stay safe and try not to get hit this
week. Love ya!

Sent from Elder Hanson's Ipad

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