Monday, October 26, 2015

Apostate...who me?

It's been another week! An interesting one at that. It involved
biking, a new gator and a member trying to get me sent out of Palm
Bay! Fun stuff fun stuff.

Monday was a good pday not much really happened. I played some piano.
Emailed some friends and family. Some jolly good stuff. Then we ate
some killer tacos with some killer awesome members. Overall a good

Tuesday was pretty normal we actually had a pretty kick but new
investigator lesson and we put him on date which was baller. So that's
number 4 on date. We are one fire!!!! And on bikes. We also had
interviews with president and he's happy with I'm doing. Overall it
was an awesome day.

Wednesday was good until the very end of the day and here's why. So
there's a recent convert who we are really tight with and we go over
to his house one night  and he is really not happy in the slightest.
We ask him what's up and he shows us an email. This email was a shot
at me and elder Ostler and it was very directly aimed at me and how
I'm dragging elder Ostler down and how we are disobedient with studies
and waking up and taking stories and making them larger than they
actually are really making me sound like I am an apostate son of a gun
basically just a bunch of BS. And cherry on top he sent it to the
bishop. This is a member who is a ward missionary and has flat out
tried to go over us and teach people without the authority. Just a
pain and the type of member that missionaries hate. So that really
soured my day and was just gah!

Thursday was good. This said email that was put out fell apart purely
because of the falsehoods. It made me happy because in the end the
righteous and good hearted win in the end. So yea go team missionary.

Friday was good. We planned. It was pretty decent.

Saturday we did some service and used my beautiful weed eater (I'm in
the south now) abilities and made it look good when some good old
jehovah witnesses come by and are starting on us and then they saw the
badge. Man I love it when people realize what I am. It makes me laugh.
So the. Of course they ran off because we're right.

Sunday was pretty normal. I actually really enjoyed church it was nice.

Sorry nothing exemplary really happens during bike week. Love yas!

Sent from Elder Hanson's Ipad

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