Monday, October 5, 2015

Service and Chili's

So ya old elder Hanson isn't getting transferred. It's going to be me
and ostler down in the Palm Bay Area. I'm going to be senior companion
and also going to start biking more because we are going into car
share but it's starting to cool off so that's nice but let's take a
look at this past week.

Monday we had a pday I took a nap. For most of the day. It was
glorious. We taught Sally an older lady who had her named removed
years ago but she wants to come back so we've been doing that and it's
been a different experience.

Tuesday we did some good ole fashion normal missionary stuff. Nothing
too phenomenal happened that day except for the fact that we ate at
chilies again. And it was glorious. We were originally going to be
taken to a terrible Chinese buffet but we walk up to the door and it
was closed and It was awesome. So I enjoyed that part of the day.

Wednesday we had district meeting and I gave a pretty kick butt
training no big deal.

Thursday we helped move this non member who isn't in our ward but we
helped some sisters. There super cool. I wish that they lived in our
area so that we could teach them. So clearly you can move a person in
just 2 hours so we left and told them we would be back.

So Friday was just a day full of us doing service for others and that
wasn't too bad and we really enjoyed because for one we didn't have to
wear the white shirts and also it breaks the routine. So we helped
move that person a gain from 9- about 3 and they bought us lunch.
Turns out that uhaul storage places are crazy impressive. And also
elder Vaughan drank some mikes hard lemonade. By accident I might add.
Second companion who has broken the word of wisdom with me as their
companion. After moving we went and helped a sister in our ward with
some yard work and after that we all went and got big drinks at a
circle K and took a breather for a second. Later that night we all
decided that hey let's grab the other set of elders and go to chilies
so guess where we went. We went to chilies again and it was glorious.
And I started using a rewards things so that I can actually get stuff
out of it.

Saturday was pretty cool we got up early and went to the archibalds
residence to help them with some painting or rather prep for painting
and they feed us breakfast so that was pretty sick. We then watched
conference at the church that was pretty good. I learned a lot.

Sunday was conference again so not much happened there. It was kinda

So that's been the week of elder Hanson in Palm Bay and this next
transfer is going to be siiiiiiiick.

Luv ya.

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