Monday, October 12, 2015

A senior comp and broken stuff

Brand new transfer! Wahoo! What a week what a week. It's been a pretty good week as well which I am very pleased with. It was also kind of a warm week so that was a bit of a pain as we biked. We bike like a total of 30 miles or something so that was a good work out. Also broke my bike but more on that later. So Monday we all drove to rock ledge to go hang out with pretty much  everybody in the zone was there including my best bud izatt. If I didn't tell you about izatt or you didn't catch it or you don't remember. Izatt is from rexburg, he's a little older than me mission wise, we were in the same district and we became best buds and I'm one of the three missionaries he cares about in the mission so that's nice and comforting. But anyways me and izatt talked about stuff and other missionaries and who's doing what and blah blah blah but I enjoyed myself. It was good ole team spud. But it was the final day of being with Vaughn so it was real nice. We actually got rid of him that night so happiness. It was just us from then on out and it was nice. Tuesday was kind of a crazy day so we got the car serviced and you'll never guess what they found in the car.

This little guy thought it would be a good idea to go chill out in the wheel. Well he did and the wheel cooked em bad. So in other news since my area got split which was actually a blessing we helped move the new elders into their apartment. So we now have an ex AP and a brand new missionary in the south area. That was a big change. So we helped them and then a senior couple bought us dinner as a thank you for helping us. It 'twas good. Afterwards we had a meeting with the bishop and ward mission leader and the fun thing about was the ward mission leader was kinda glad that Vaughn is gone. Looks like me and ostler aren't the only ones. 

Wednesday we biked. A lot. And man that was not fun. I like biking but not on long roads. It just gets boring. 

Thursday we had a big old meeting and that was pretty good. 

Friday was good up until the evening. So I was inspecting my bike making sure everything was still working and guess what I broke one of my quick release skewers (the part that goes through the the middle of the tire so it stays on). So we ran over to Walmart praying that they would have one  but Walmart so there wasn't anything like that. So I went to bed upset and frustrated.

Saturday we went and managed to find the part I need so  thank goodness. We then got a new vacuum because we haven't had a working one for the past transfer so now the floor is finally clean. And then our dryer decided to stop working. Exactly when I needed to use it. Gah. So I used an iron, a homemade ironing board, a sheet and two fans to make it all work. Basically I made a clothes line out of the sheet and used the iron the dry the clothes mostly and hang em over the fans. Man I am too good at mcgyvering. 

Sunday fetching nobody signed up to feed us this week so dollar menus what what! It's gunna be great. 

So that's been my week I love y'all!

Sent from Elder Hanson's Ipad 

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