Monday, June 15, 2015

Word of Wisdom and the Cops

After being on my mission for 6 and 1/2 months i feel like i need one of those i love Mondays shirts. It just feels true at this point of my life now. Pretty sure once i get home i will feel 100% against Mondays which is pretty standard for being a normal human being. But hey i had a roller coaster week which was an interesting roller coaster week at that.

So Monday i wrote you and i ate food and i slept and it was glorious. One doesn't realize how amazing naps are until you cant take them anymore not even on Sundays like naps are amazing. Who ever invented the idea of a nap should get the Nobel prize in like every field. Later that night we drove down to eustis and did exchanges. Pretty low key. And also turns out that its is pretty darn difficult to find a bible in the south for a good price. Who knew.

Tuesday since we had exchanges in effect its a pretty safe thing to say that all of your plans while being on exchanges will go horrifically and terribly wrong  So a lot of our plans fell through and elder Cannon just felt kinda sick that day and also heres incident number #1 with the cops this past week. So since our plans fell apart we went to go see a less active and we see a cop car outside. No biggie its the projects that's not anything out of the ordinary. So we climb up to the top floor of the complex because its a general rule if you after to go anywhere in a large complex its totally going to be on the top floor. *knock knock* A cop opens the door......WHAT! OK i deal with the cops down here and most the time its ok but this time it just threw me for a loop. Like they wouldn't let us speak to her. Later come to find out she had surgery so an ambulance prolly came by and that's why cops were there but it was good in the end. That night i made some homemade cinnamon cake with icing and halfway through mixing i realized "shoot i don't have a bread pan and its way to late to go buy one". SO what do i do? i made my own. Well i at least tried to make my own. It ended up working but man it looked like a Macgyver tornado came through. I took a brownie pan and wax paper and two butter knives and made a bread pan. I rolled the wax paper into one big roll and stuck it in the pan and then pour in my batter and use the knives as a brace so that the batter didn't leak out. Well it worked and nobody died.yet.

Wednesday was normal. I gave a training in district meeting and shared my huckleberry taffy with everyone who got a question right. Went good and then we ate delicious Chipotle and got rained on. Pretty typical Florida. This is also the day where we realized that 4 of our gators were barely out of our area. Talk about a punch to the gut. So our pool got annihilated. But by the end of the week we were able to rebuild it mostly.

Thursday was low key.

Friday we planned forever because that's what missionaries do. You plan for what your about to plan about. It was a pretty decent planning session and also after that i found all of the old seminary videos so ive been really watching those on my iPad at the end of the day. Theres something that not everyone can say.

Saturday. OH Saturday. So it was a normal Saturday of teaching and crap but the night is where prolly one of my favorite mission stories has been born. So after all the lessons and meeting the westerns gave us five bucks to go buy some ice cream from McDonald's so we go and i get my Oreo mcflurry and paey orders a Caramel frappe and its completely separate from all the coffee drinks. So we get our stuff and i try some of his and he trys some of mine and  taste coffee in his. Its a taste that cant be mistaken whatsoever so i tell paey and hes like nah it doesn't mate. so we get in the car and hes like you know what if it does. So then on our way home we call a member who were pretty tight with and find out the ingredients. BOOM it had coffee. So at this point im calling him a sinner and quoting  going to hell scriptures and after a lot of silence i pipe up and inform Paey that the westerns helped him sin and he started to punch me so that was the end of that.

Sunday was wild. so its the end of Sunday and were heading back and i did something and all of the sudden i got my 2nd incident with the cops this past week. So Florida traffic laws are incredibly complicated and not very clear. So apparently i had entered a do not enter so i could turn around right as a cop was in the other one. He saw me. I saw him. All of the sudden i see his tag scanner turn on and the way is perfectly clear for him to turn but he aint so naturally in my head im thinking crap. So i do my maneuver and just immediately go into the median. He pulls up. "wow you must be one of the smarter ones" Heck yes im smart my school grades might not of shown it but im smart. Turns out what i did was illegal. And goes through and he sees that my license is from Idaho. You can tell hes building up the speech of how i need to get a new license and blah blah blah but then i tell him that were missionaries and he cools down and now all of the sudden he wants to get done a little bit quicker. I'm a Mormon not a meth head im not that scary. So i got off with a written warning and paey thinks that this is amazing because hes never been pulled over before. After we get going i turn to paey and tell him when you break the Word of Wisdom your companion suffers. So moral of this story is dont break the word of wisdom.

Well thats all. Be Good!

Elder Hanson

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