Monday, June 22, 2015

The so called "prophet"

Whew. What a week. I feel like I end up saying that a lot of the time which is kind of weird but hey it's the definition of missionary work. But man this week to be honest kinda sucked. Lost 3 gators, didn't sleep very good at all this week therefor I end up falling asleep at random times throughout the day. Can't meet with our golden gators and
just chewing through our potentials who not all of them want the gospel. And driving on sand roads just sucks!

Monday was low key pday had to go do exchanges and I ended up staying in leesburg. I just can't get out of this town no matter how hard I try. But I had one of the ZL come up here with me. Fun fact both of the ZLs right now are my ex DLs. But for the most it was low key.

Tuesday oh boy Tuesday. So I had one of the ZLs with me so that immediately adds quite a bit of stress into my day and just makes me want to explode. So there's a standard rule with exchanges. Whenever you are in your area on exchanges all of your appointments are going to go up in flames. Guess what happened. All of my appointments pretty much went up in flames and that was the day that we lost 3 gators and had a bible bash. The bash was just flat out annoying because they were just getting preachy. They were the brothers of a gator and oh man they were just gah. You had an intelligent brother and a stupid brother. Intelligent brother was a "prophet" but brought actually brought up good points but was quoting out of psalms which no one does that. Stupid brother on the other hand was just quoting nonsense
and honestly asked if Christ was a Christian. Yea. His own brother was like your not making any sense while he was babbling. We had an RM with us and when we were done and get in the car were all like. What. Just. Happened? It was just weird.

Wednesday just was kinda meh I guess.

Thursday we had district meeting and I made some cookies and also come to find out that they change the app that we use to record our lessons and crap and it's different and I'm trying to adjust. It's way better this way but they don't even tell us it just happens. Also Thursday we sat down with the westerns and worked through all of our less actives come to find out we have we have like 150 active members and like 370 less actives. I got a lot of work to do.

Friday was the last day I got to see bro jozitis. I'm super bummed. His wife died like two months ago and he's moving up to New Hampshire. He is my favorite member and he's was so close to going to the temple and just gah! There goes like 3 weekly lessons.

Saturday is a silver lining day so we ended up getting 2 new gators a mom and a son. The son is like 12 and super cool and she wants me to teach her how to read music so I'm going to dig into that one. And try but it's gunna be cool.

Sunday I was asked by a less active family I know if I would baptize their two younger kids. Man I was flattered it's awesome to be a missionary and I totally baked a chocolate mousse cake and I'm super duper proud of that one and it looks pretty tasty.

We'll be good and don't get into trouble and I'll do the same. Love ya.

Elder Hanson

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