Tuesday, June 2, 2015

6 Months and Transfers

Sooooo 6 months. Doesnt seem like its been that long really. Sometimes it sure does feel like its been longer but hey 25% done. 75% more to go.

Soooooo monday was the normal pday so nothing exciting there.

Tuesday we were on exchanges and i had elder Chidister here and we ate some delicous pizza as we usually do when he comes down to the good ole leesburg. We also visted a sketchy neighborhood as usual in this area because thats pretty common around here. We also met a sweet disabled lady and she was oh so very happy to meet us and it was just gah adorable.

Wednesday we had district meeting and ate at chipotle and it was delicous because its chipotle. We then proceeded to drive allllll the way to orlando to pick up our newly fixed car. cost over a grand just to get everything squared away.

Thursday we had to go babysit elder chidister in his area because his companion had a meeting to go to becuase hes going Zone Leader so we cruised around there for quite a bit of time. 

Friday was Uneventful.

SATURDAY! we had a baptism for fredrick and he was flippen late. Thats right he was late to his own baptism. We told him to arrive at 3:30. He arrived at 4:15. The service started at 4:00. Everything else went alright but he was late and it was super stressful like i was sweating bullets but it happened.

Sunday was Fredricks Confirmation and guess what. HE WAS LATE!!!!!! Church started at ten at 9:58 we jumped in the car to go get him and bring him to church. Because of my sweet driving skills i got us back at 10:05 and him in tow.we had the ordinance part in English and the blessing part in Marhsalleese which i had no idea what was being said. But it was cool.

So in closing im not being transfered. i am still in leesburg. kinda bummed.

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