Monday, June 8, 2015

Team AussieSpud

HELLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO one and all. Its the beginning of a bright new day and a bright new transfer with a bright new companion and a bright new companion. So heres the word of the new companion. His name is Elder Peay (pronounced pay) he is from flippen Australia!!!! how cool is that? I think its wicked cool. I can now hear all of the Australian accent that i possibly could ever want to hear and that is super legit and also i get to taste all the really weird Australian foods like Vegemite and bundaberg lemon lime and bitters. one of them tastes like salty salt and the other tastes like super sweet and then bitter sprite. But hes really cool and we get along really well and he doesn't snore! HALLELUJAH NO MORE SLEEPING WITH EARPLUGS AND A SWIG OF SLEEPQUILL!!!! And we got a new mission car. 2015 Toyota Corrolla baby!!! It was the AP's old car so we got it and turned in our old car and i am like super duper happy. YAY FOR HAPPINESS!!!

so monday was a typical end of transfer p-day and it was pretty cool volleyball, nerf war, tie trade and i ended up getting alot of free ties and a legendary time from a now "dead" ZL and skinnied by an elder whos really good at it. Also monday was when i burned my tie and it didnt really burn it more smoldered than anything and just kind melted and stank and make me throw away a wooden spoon but meh i didnt care.

tuesday was transfers and kicked wilson to the curb finally and got the aussie and we formed team AussieSpud! Hes got some pretty good taste in music thats obedient too so wooooo. 

Wednesday was the first day we were together and we set a baptism date in the first lesson so were like suuuuuper awesome in the zone right right now. And cool story so i felt prompted to set the date after Peay had committed him. I felt prompted to say the 26th and turns out that is his birthday whaaaaaaaat!! ya super cool! And also had a black guy flash his piece at us and that was fun and terrifying all at the same time. GOOOOO FLORIDA!

Thursday was meetings and phone calls like all day. So we had ZTM and then we had lunch and then Paey had a district leader meeting so while he was doing that i went through our massive list of potentials called literally over 50 people. It sucked. Got yelled a couple of times and that was no fun at all but that is the definition of missionary work so what evs.

Friday we just worked hard.

Saturday we met with a potential and she ended up becoming an investigator so that was cool we gonna get them done baptized but holy crap the place they live is like living in the middle of the woods and its down this way sketchy sand road and i felt like we were gunna get murdered at a point. but we didnt so jokes on them.

Sunday i got up and bore my testimony and it was good and i was glad that i did it made me happy. Also the westerns fed us and it was mad tasty. Also got a former investigator turned into a investigator again and also committed a less active family to go to church so that they can go through the temple and get sealed as a family. Overall a very good week.

Sorry i dont have a novel to write this go around but that is the week in a nutshell so addios!

Elder Hanson 

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