Monday, March 30, 2015

Stairs hurt

Miracle filled week. But also a trial some week. But all in all I'm glad that I went through and heck I got some good stories out of it.

Monday we sat around the apartment because we had no miles. Like barely anything.

Tuesday I was on exchanges with the district leader in good ole sleezburg. Pretty good time. Did some service by pulling a butt ton of weeds for the husley family. We got lunch out of it today and that made me happy. It was good lunch. It reminds me why I like them. And then we did the typical missionary work and it 'twas good. Also ate at a super good pizza restaurant and that twas good.

Wednesday was a good. Went to district meeting and then the westerns bought us Steak 'n Shake after because they like us more than everyone else and that was pretty darn tasty and then we did the usual missionary thing.

Thursday we had service with the sister missionaries and we raked leaves and filled up 62 large bags with leaves. That's right 62.
That's a lot of leaves and also a lot of being attacked by insects and a pit bull. Also I now want to own a pit bull. Not a mean untrained pit bull. But a nice trained one. But yea it was a lot of leaves. It took us 5 hours to do it and afterwards me and Wilson took advantage of the shower in the church that no one knows about.

Friday suuuuuuuuuuuuucked. So we went to a crappy Chinese buffet with a member and then we had to bike. Up a hill. In the wind. Also I almost wrecked on the bike. And then Wilson popped his bike tire and he has no money to get a replacement tube. So then we had to go home.
And then we got home and I went to mail a letter and I fell down the stairs! It was one after another. But by falling down the stairs it put us at the mailbox at the right time to meet a less active so the lord knew I had to fall down the stairs. Unfortunately. But hey later I also saw my first alligator and we got 4 referrals so not all bad.

Saturday we walked everywhere. We ended up walking like 8 miles I think. We also helped this dude who ran out of gas. Imagine two missionaries walking along the freeway with a gas can. That was us.
But I did see a restored xr7 cougar and that made me happy but everything hurt afterwards. Especially my ankle from falling down the stairs.

Sunday was pretty low key nothing exciting happened. We went to the hospital for the sacrament. The westerns fed us. Drove their golf cart around. Had an overall really awesome Sunday.

So my goal this week is to not fall down the stairs. Hoping. And praying for that.

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