Monday, March 2, 2015

Cookies and transvestites

You know it feels like yesterday I wrote yall. It's weird how once you get into the swing of things that every day blurs into one. Speaking of thing blurring. 3 MONTHS! That's kind of a big deal. That means I'm an 1/8th of the way done with my mission. Sketchy. Like most of my area. But I'm shocked it's the three month. It went by fast and also it means that this is my last week of being a trainee. Wahoo!

So Monday. I was supposed to write ya'll and to be honest I shoulda told ya'll that it wasn't happening but I didn't sorry. The reason why I didn't write ya'll was because of mission conference. We had elder zwick from the seventy come down and in the beginning we had a long brief handshake chain and I got a brief conversation with him all because of the potato pin. We also had the churches director of Proselyting there too. But elder zwick told us about his mission. He was sent to a remote village in Bolivia for 17 months. The remainder of his mission. No clean water. No contact with mission headquarters.
No nothing. The assignment he got. Build a church. You should look it up. It's a pretty good tale. And then we got some direction on the iPads. The iPad I have now goes back to the church and I get my own personal better one. It's gunna be faster and have more memory so wooooo! Also with this I get to take it home after the mission. After conference we ate at a place called yellow dog eats and it was way good. And then I slept in the car while pututau drove back to Leesburg good day in all.

Tuesday was our p day and it was supposed to be a district p day but because our district is the fun district another district joined us. I ended up making 32 molten chocolate cookies. That took me literally 4 hours. But it was worth it. Elder Jurges from Bellview ended up dislocating his shoulder during rain volleyball but meh he's still alive.

Wednesday we had a district meeting and a typical Wednesday.

Thursday we went people hunting and found a recent convert from our records and also. Drum roll. WE FOUND PRINCESS!! So remember how I told you princess was a man well he is kinda. We are not positive but pretty sure we found a transvestite. We knock on the door and he opens and he's wearing a skirt, and a pink sweatshirt and long hair and lady earrings but he wasn't a woman. It's one of those moments where it throws you for a loop. But man never thought that would happen.

Friday was pretty good we went to the aldriches and there less active and super cool. The atmosphere in there home is a lot like how we had missionaries over. It's calm and friendly and fun. Actually now that I think about it it's exactly how we used to be. It's crazy. But I wish they were active.

Saturday was a service Saturday meaning that we did a lot of service we moved a treehouse and a bed but it was all worth it because we got fed breakfast and lunch because of it. Man I found out that biscuits and gravy fills you up pretty good! And that I'm also sick of biscuits and gravy. Ya.

Sunday normal Sunday.

So that's it for this week.

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