Monday, March 23, 2015

New iPad! New gators! New potentials!

So I'm not going to lie. This past week has been pretty flippen fun and everything is going great. Sure I still have the ups and downs going on right now but I'll survive and push through. But I feel tons better than what I felt before.

Monday was a good p-day. We went to steak and shake with elders jurges and Willard and Willard bought us all food. I like steak and shake mainly because it's so flippen cheap like 4 bucks for a tasty burger and also the milkshakes are fantastic but free meal and then we met up with other elders at the stake center to do the usual basketball and volleyball. And we went back to lees burg.

Tuesday was kinda wild. Also we had zone conference and received trainings about a bunch of stuff and then we got new phones and NEW IPADS! Yeah the new ones are waaaay better than the old ones. And then we drove back to the stake center to set them up and since I'm such a nice guy and super good at doing screen protectors I ended up putting on all of the sister missionaries screen protectors and a few of the elders. And then I ended up staying in Eustis for exchanges and ate at chipotle. Decent day I do say so my self.

Wednesday I was in Eustis and bought a gun pen. It looks like a bullet and has a wooden barrel and has a little bolt action to use the pen.
Super cool pen.

Thursday felt like every appointment that we had got cancelled everywhere we went and after all of that we went to firehouse subs and all of the sudden this baptist guy walks up and invites us to his home. Apparently he's had missionaries over before and he liked em so that was way cool.

Friday we had to go back to Orlando. I hate going to Orlando. It's just a solid hour and a half drive and it's just blah. We've managed to go all different routes on the way there. We've been through the countryside, turnpike, freeway, amusement park way, downtown way(that's a cool way you see all the skyscrapers), and of course the ghetto. But I wasn't to impressed with the counselor this go around.  She was more concerned with getting on vacation than actually helping me. She also thought that nothing was wrong with me and my visit with her was half an hour. And after all that we got stuck in traffic and slowly made our way back home.

Saturday we had to have the westerns help us out because we are so low on car miles and then they realized that the only way we eat is if we are at home so they took us to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. They also helped us get our 5 new gators which is helpful even though it's not in the best of neighborhoods and they were iffy about going in.
But all went well.

Sunday we went to church all the sudden we meet this lady named Taylor and she said that she was investigating the church and we get talking and she just got out of the army and Afghanistan and then we let the sisters take over at church because she's a woman. The sisters aren't happy because she lives in our area so we get her as a gator if she chooses to take lessons. Go us! And also we asked our neighbor for his wifi password so now we have wifi in the apartment! Go us!

That's what has primarily happened here in lees burg pretty good stuff

Elder Hanson.

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