Monday, March 9, 2015

Organ mover

So. Another week. Another month. Another lots of other crap. I swear everything is out to get me.

So Monday was p day and it was a elder zone PDay so we had all of the elders from the zone at the stake center and we played volleyball and basketball and had a tie trade and I came with 3 and left with 7 ties. Sure some of em are ugly but that's the fun part. Still trying to find a really really unique one. After that we went to husleys and had dinner and then we sped off to do a exchange.

Tuesday wasn't too bad. It was actually my most favorite exchange I've done because I came out with the kid. Elder chidister Is from alpine and he's my most favorite diabetic. He's down to enjoy a 16 dollar pizza more than a 4 dollar pizza which was good. Also he just can make friends really easy. So had a good day and we taught Lynn's husband and found out that we have to go the long way with getting him baptized with his past. We also taught brother allicock who is one of my favorite less actives because he's just super cool.

Wednesday was ok. It was a really hard day for me even tho we had a baptism which I just don't get but none the less it was the beginning of the journey.

Thursday we had a ZTM (zone training meeting) and that was good nothing extremely interesting happened. Ate at chipotle. And then had a double dinner appointment. We've been having a lot of meal appointments because pututau is getting transferred and everything so everyone wants to feed us. I literally have cooked for myself in the 2 weeks. It's been great.

Friday was Friday. Nothing amazing or noteworthy occurred. It was just the beginning of the end of me and pututau which was kinda sad. We started the goodbye chain.

Saturday morning we along with elders from the Sumterville district moved and organ. This wasn't a little baby one either. This was a 60,000 dollar organ. It was cool because afterwards we got to mess around with it. It's got a banjo, chimes, all the pretty lights, and just for fun it has a light show button. Which is kinda cool when you have it going. All it cost was nothing. We moved it for the branch president of Sumterville whom is a really cool and nice guy and every time we do service for him he feeds us a meal a lot of the time he feeds us breakfast. Later on that day we called a less active family to check up on them and found out that the husband whom I've become friends with tried to take his life. Talk about a slap to the face.  He's doing better now but what a slap.

So Sunday we had Ward conference. I don't know why but every meeting that the stake invites us to is the biggest waste of our time.  Literally most of the stuff doesn't even apply. So I did my first confirmation. That was nerve racking. Baptism isn't super nerve racking because you have the pray right there. But confirmation since it's all from your head. Yikes. So a slap to the face again was with the bishops son in law. He's a nonmember and at times even though he doesn't take the lessons he participates and is really good. But yesterday he laid a challenge on me. Help him be able see the connection between the bible and Book of Mormon. No easy task. And then we go to do the sacrament for bro jozitis and we were late so we go there at 8 and he flips me off. And then opens the door and yells at us and then slams the door. We don't know what his deal is but I'm still angry about it. Someone calls you his brother and then we go to give him the sacrament and he yells at us. Talk about being rude. He doesn't realize that it was going to be the last time he was going to see pututau either. Sucks for him.

So that was this week. Transfers are tomorrow and I'll get my new comp and Thursday I'll be going to orlando. Fun stuff.

Love ya.

Elder Hanson

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