Monday, February 2, 2015

Head trauma, a wedding, and police officers

Oh my goodness I'm tired. Oh goodness. This week has been a whirlwind of activity. Most of this past week I don't even remember most of what happened. That's usually what happens as a missionary. You just loose track of time. I have been so exhausted I have been going to bed early but I couldn't be happier even if I could talk to girls. Ok if I could talk to girls I would be a little bit happier but that's besides the point.

So we shall begin on Tuesday. There were exchanges and we lost elder Langston and sister Knutson but we gained a new trainee sister Woolley. We will get into that latter. We also found out that the moved the belle view elders out of the district so now me and pututau are the only elders left in the district. We also found an less active recent convert who hadn't been to church in about 6 months. She was baptized in Jacksonville and the only reason why she decided to start the lessons was because she thought that the elders were attractive.
She also got three tattoos after her baptism so we aren't completely sure if she joined the church for the right reasons. Her name is Ashley Widle and she is 18 and highly energetic around highly attractive missionaries such as ourselves.

Onto Wednesday!  So Wednesday I made some bomb Hershey's cookies and cream cookies and I'm going to be honest...they very pretty fetching amazing. But I made those for district meeting. So during district meeting I met sister Woolley from California. She's pretty cool. Elder pututau had a meeting right around lunch time so I had a very depressing meal of a MRE. Find out later it was expired. Explains why I had stomach pains for a few hours but hey I've had worse. That's pretty much all that happened on Wednesday.

Thursday. So Thursday I began fasting because we had a baptism. Things I learned from this fast. DO NOT PERFORM MOCK BAPTISMS WHILE YOU ARE FASTING!! I don't think I can stress how important that is. So we were at Lynn's house giving her the plans on what was going to happen on Saturday. We do a mock baptism. Now for this next part I want you to imagine me very hungry at 4 and pretty much drained of all strength.
Now imagine me trying to "dip" my 270 pound companion with no water.
Let's just say I drop him. He's holding onto me so I go down. We run into her entertainment center and her tv and I get a good sized bruise on my knee. Lynn at this point is laughing out of hilarity and most likely terror that I will drop her in the font. And then later me and pututau made a music video. That will come later.

Friday. So we start setting up for a wedding and a baptism. Original plan the pututau and I had was get them married in the bishops office and then eat hot dogs. some of the Relief society and the sister missionaries would not have it. The ended up helping us set up a nice modest marriage setting and also pulled together some personal resources to provide them with a nice dinner. The bishops wife even ended up making them a really tasty wedding cake.

Saturday. So we managed to have a wedding and a baptism All in an hour. That seems like a record for something. The baptism was perfect except for one detail. On the program it said pututau was baptizing her. Nope it was me. Made me prove my point to why I don't like our Ward mission leader. But other than that she was a one dunk. Not bad for my first baptism.

Sunday. Sunday makes it to the most interesting days of my mission list. So we got a phone call from the bishops son in law who is a nonmember asking us to get one of the family members. We do. Next thing we know the bishop says come with me and we are whisked away to the bishops house. We met Tyler the son in law and he's all cut up.
Turns out somebody tried to break in and he fought them off. So we get there and he's got cuts on him and he's got a machete and he's shaken up and it takes a lot to shake him up. So then the police get called and they get there and start chewing Tyler out for not calling immediately. I got pretty mad at the cop for treating him the way he was but I kept my cool. So long story short the cops didn't believe him and he chose not to press charges.

So crazy crazy week but I'm happy. Everything is just going really good in the mission minus the carpenter ants. But it's all so good. I will talk to you later.

Elder Hanson

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