Monday, January 26, 2015

Death to palm trees

Another week! Fun fact to start off everything I hit my 2 month mark on Wednesday. It doesn't feel like it has been 2 flippen months! It feels like 2 weeks ago I said goodbye and entered the MTC. I look back and I miss the MTC. It was so much fun! I know that some don't feel that way but oh my goodness it was so good. The people you meet there within your zone or even out of your zone there is awesome. You learn to live with others. You don't have to cook. Most of the services there such as counseling and haircuts and such are free. Doctors appointments are only 10 bucks but are next to impossible to get in right away. Get use of a gym, track, weight room, and gender specific workouts. Man it's like the holiest little city ever. Good times. But anyways good week. Had a super spiritual time with Melissa. She asked for a blessing and we gave her one and immediately after she said.
"God let me know that I need to be baptized. Let's get me baptized" it threw us for a loop because Melissa was firm on church for 4 months before baptism. Me and pututau had Heavenly Father let us know when she need to be baptized. Guess he just had to tell her. Pututau will be baptizing her and I will be doing the confirmation.

So here's an update on Lynn Buelele (boo-lay-lay). SHE BE GETTING MARRIED! Funny story about that. So Monday she was gunna do it but flippen human rights day has to be a thing. So we moved it to the next day. The next day I was leading Leesburg west operations because it was exchanges so I call Lynn to remind her. "This number is not available" *click* so I try repeatedly because we had every detail setup for this. Eventually at 9:15 in the morning I make a decision and we drive over to her house which is a 16 mile round trip and we only have 38 per day. So we knock on her door several times before we get an answer and she was awake and getting ready so that was a miracle because I almost called the whole thing off. That is why we listen to the spirit.

So let's talk more about the crime ridden area. So literally on Saturday I witnessed a drug deal. Literally 5 feet away as we were teaching. Guy knocks on a door walks in. Comes out like 2 minutes later. He was jumpy of us too. But in all honesty it's not that bad.
So we chopped down a palm tree. When you look at a palm tree you don't ever think that there that dense. We were wrong. So very wrong. This thing 7 and a half feet tall and had been dead for a while. It took a while to get through it with a saws all but that's expected. Man when that thing fell it shook the earth. It was thick and just full of water. The dead palms were like 8 feet long, the boats (wooden parts of the tree that literally look like boats) were thick and 8 feet long. The thing was so heavy. One chunk prolly weighed about 700 pounds. Took three of us to get it where it needed to go. We also had to dodge the animals. Usually at the top of a palm tree you have spiders, scorpions, or snakes that live in the very top. Now these are all poisonous so we look back and it wasn't our shining hour of brilliance. But we got it moved so that's all good.

So here's an odd thing. Every single Jehovah's Witness I have met has been super kind and super friendly with us. They even ask about us and our mission which is weird but it's nice to not have to bash with them and their bible. So pututau became district leader so I can get away with a lot of things now. Also we be getting a new car! Woooooo! So that's pretty awesome.

This week's member spotlight is...barker. Sister barker is a mid fifties single lady who loves to feed us and has a demon cat. Oh and she hates me. Why does she hate Elder Hanson you may ask. It's because on Elder Hanson's 1st whole day in Florida we ate dinner at her house.
Me being me I said something smart and she ripped into me. But back to her. When ever she feeds us she makes us make her a plate and serve her. She makes us clean it all up and the dishes. She has a cat who literally hates every living thing on the planet. She's 350+ pounds and sleeps on an air bed with her cat. Consequently sleeping with the hell spawn of a cat it gets holes. She also frequently tells us about her irritable bowl syndrome. Here's a new development. She has been using church welfare for herself to feed the missionaries weekly. Each time she asks for a little bit more food. From now on she is no longer allowed to feed us. We are to not accept meals from us because it burns the church's welfare resources. But man she really does not like me at all.

Anyways that's been my life so far. We will talk to ya soon. Y'all have a good time now ya hear!

Elder Hanson

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