Monday, January 19, 2015

Turnpikes give me ulcers

So this has been an awesome week. We went from 3 gators with a bapt
date. This week we now have 6. Last week we had a goal of twenty
lessons and we hit twenty. This week we had a goal of 25 and we ended
up hitting 28. The work is progressing in Leesburg. One of our new
baptism gators actually lives in the same house as Lynn so not only is
Lynn being a friend for her (her name is Lina) but she is re learning
the lessons which is totes awesome. We are also picking up a new gator
with bap date during a breakfast hand off meeting so that'll be

So let's see what else happened. Got told during a meal that a lady
doesn't wash her dishes. That was terrifying. Went to a thrift store
that was lame. Went to a pawnshop. Almost bought a samurai sword to go
all fruit ninja with. Almost burnt the apartment down. Found out that
turnpikes give me ulcers. And went to the temple. That orlando temple
is baller it's super pretty and has a really big celestial room and
the workers are just so sweet. It was an awesome experience. It was
perfect because we got there at 630 and it was cloudy so the spire was
being reflected onto the clouds with moroni.

So turnpikes are the worst. Also first experience with one was the
worst ever. So we went to the temple with brother gray. Sweet 86 year
old little guy who is possibly one of the best guys I've ever met. The
thing with brother gray is that he's an 86 year old driver. So
sometimes when we ride with brother gray we almost die. So we get on
the turnpike or attempt. Bro gray try's to pay thru a prepaid lane and
people behind us got very upset with us. They let us thru without
paying. Bro gray then proceeds to go In reverse to go pay them. Bless
his heart. They wave us on because hey we're going in reverse on the
turnpike. So we continue on and it being like 5 in the morning I start
to go back to sleep when all the sudden I hear and feel WAP-WAP-
WAP-WAP. And I wake up and shout "Rumble strips brother gray rumble
strips!" He then realizes hey these mean I'm close to running off a
cliff. I should probably move on over. It also doesn't help that he's
hard of hearing even with both hearing aids on. Everyone out here says
turnpikes are non stressful. They lie! There are reasons whys we as
missionaries don't do the turnpike. One it's stressful. Two the fees
to get on and off rack up. Three president Berry prefers that we don't
use them for our own safety. We are mostly all from Utah and Idaho out
here. We haven't seen anything like this before. Thank goodness the
gps can avoid those if I want it too.

So member spotlight. This week is the Husley family. Michael Husley is
a lifelong member but he fell off but is now coming back. Ashley is
his new wife and a recent convert of five months. Jesse is the oldest
son and he's 8 years old. Melody is 5 and she's a cute little curly
haired girl who gave pututau the nickname of marshmallow. And then
there Lilly. Lilly is almost 7 weeks old and she is adorable and
getting chunky. So we go them every Monday for FHE and try to teach a
lesson and usually fail because hey look young people within a sea of
saggy old people. I ask of anyone reading this to please pray for the
little boy. He was recently checked into a mental and behavioral rehab
for younger kids for homicidal thoughts against his family and
suicidal thoughts for himself. He's 8 and we really hope that he can
overcome this because until this is over he can't go home. So please
keep him in your prayers.

So I'm doing great. I can't believe that it has almost been two months
of my life. Time has no meaning out here because everyday is almost
the same. Just a little bit different. I still realize sometimes that
I'm actually in Florida. And not for just a short period of time
either. I now take charge of most things because of my training. Which
I can't wait until it is all done. Because then I can finally drive.

That's the life of a missionary. Be safe. Be good. Don't get into trouble.

Elder Hanson

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