Monday, February 9, 2015

Baptists, temples, and a man named princess

Again it's been another week. This week has been a tough week. Not only for the week but for myself also. It's just. Bah.

So Monday was good except I thought I lost my wallet and was freaking out. Especially while eating chipotle. Then we got back and I had just left my wallet on my desk because I'm stupid. We had exchanges and I had one of the zone leaders. His name is gooch.  I learned that I didn't really like the zone leader I was with. It's not that he's a bad person. It's just that he's really by the books type of guy.

So Tuesday rolls around and I got in trouble. A lot. This just reaffirms why I don't like transfers. It's a good learning experience I just don't like them.  So I didn't workout that morning. Got in trouble. Didn't read something with enough vigor. Got in trouble.
Watched training videos with earbuds in while he could see my screen.
Got in trouble. A seat separated us during a meal. Got in trouble. The smallest of things I did I got in trouble. And also he made me tract.
I hate tracting. They actually may be removing the practice in the mission. They are testing it out with another zone. But the icing on the cake is this story.

So Betty Joe. Neighbor to Melissa. She approached us because of a dropped pass along card. Super duper promising as in she came to church after the first lesson promising. And she loved church. She said it was interesting. Which is normal. So we read moroni 10.
Standard pray about it missionary scripture. We've shared this scripture a lot. So we do the run around and She mentioned she was having surgery. So I asked her when physically able will you attend church again? She replied probably not. Usually at this point we carefully and gently walking into the situation to figure out what.
Gooch decided to ask. Well why not? You should. It's good for you.
Gooch successfully hit 3 of the top twenty things you don't say to a new investigator. This point is where rock was thrown at the window. I got yelled at. Hard. I got yelled at by a really angry baptist lady. I love the baptists I really do. But man I hated them all at that point right then and there. She yells and yells and just generally releases hell fury and damnation upon our souls. She then says the following. "
I KNOW THE BOOK OF MORMON IS TRUE AND OF GOD! BUT I WAS BORN A BAPTIST, RAISED A BAPTIST, BAPTIZED A BAPTIST, I WILL DIE A BAPTIST! I AM A BAPTIST! I HAVE BEEN BAPTIZED I DO NOT NEED IT FOR YALL!" So Betty knows the Book of Mormon is true. Ok cool. But then she continues. "I BELIEVE THE BOOK OF MORMON HAS TEACHINGS OF GOD BUT THAT IT WASNT WRITTEN BY GOD" true true I wasn't written by God but guess what. The bible wasn't either. If I wasn't so emotionally shattered I would have fought back but I didn't. So I got her calmed down because I have a calming effect apparently. And now she no longer has lessons.
No more lessons. She has been dropped out of the iPads. So the morale of this story. Don't let anyone but your companion teacher new gators.

So Wednesday we had a temple tour with Melissa and she loved it. And cool fact about the orlando temple is that it attracts some freaky cool bugs. I got a picture of a leaf bug. It looks like a leaf. But it's a bug! Freaky cool bugs. They get them more in Orlando because in Leesburg we can't have anything nice. Stupid crime.

Thursday we checked on a media referral from head quarters. And we go and check it out to find out that the person we didn't live there. But we met Tamara instead. So we teach a little and we get the prompting to offer service. She was in tears. She said that her husband was disabled and she had so many medical problems that getting things done sometimes was just hard. She was so thankful that we had come  to offer service for her and her husband. Also Thursday was the day I started to teach myself the piano.

Friday we had impromptu service for a less active. Let me ask you this. Have you ever carried a washing machine up to the third floor of an apartment complex? Well I have. It flippen sucks. I'm glad that she was happy about it because man. That sucked. We also saw the westerns after their sickness round was over and they've been closing a few areas around the zone lately and since they like us more than anybody else we get first pickings off of the closures. This time we got.
Thumbtacks, a bunch more of handouts, an iron, a steamer, and a really nice clipper set! So now I don't have to pay 12 bucks for a haircut.
Wahoo. But in all honesty barbershops are way cooler than hair salons.

Saturday! Learn more piano that's about it.

Sunday! We went to church!!! What a surprise!!! We also had some recent converts want to take us out to dinner but we declined and encouraged them to do the same. KEEP THE SABBATH DAY HOLY KA! (ka - missionary slang. No one knows what it means or where It comes from.
It's just there). Melissa also got cold feet because of an interview with the bishop and then she talked to her mom and her mom said maybe you shouldn't get baptized! WOMAN DONT TELL YOUR DAUGHTER THAT WHEN YOUR A MEMBER AND YOU INTRODUCED YOUR DAUGHTER TO THE GOSPELS! But we got that settled. We then got a call. A really really weird call from a man named princess.

So backstory time. Remember Tamara from Thursday? Well her husband has had 3 brain surgeries. We don't know why but it happened. He called us and told us his name is...princess. Ya. Princess. I'll let you think about that for a second. So we get a call and he wants to have a bible study with us. This means to things. He either wants to study or he wants to bash. We felt like he wanted to bash so we brought out the big guns. Brother gray. So we're doing good and we pray for the spirit to be with us before we leave the car. And the spirit is with us but it's making me and pututau feel like we shouldn't be there. We knock on the doors and the spirit leaves. It just vanishes. We don't know why but it was interesting. No one ended up answering the door so we might never find out what would've happened.

So another week from Florida. Yes I know I have been keeping my hair wicked short but I save money on hair gel. Since ya know if it's short it's gunna fro out if it wants to fro out. Love YALL

Elder Hanson

1 comment:

  1. Hey, my favorite nephew. I feel your pain on tracting. That is nearly all that I did. Sucks during daytime as no one is home. We were lucky to have three appts in a week. I started just walking around the city center asking questions and setting appts. Worked a bit better. We also gained permits to have a exhibit street board that worked really good as Germans are very smart and inquisitive about something they no little about. You are doing much better than I did. Keep up the service. That was how we gained a few more appts. But you were not supposed to do too much as tracting was what we did back then. I am having a spine stimulator put in my back to remove the pain or lessen it. I feel like a cyborg. Keep yhe good work. Really proud of you. Kim
