Thursday, July 23, 2015


So new area. Uh, that's a lot of change. I don't know where to even begin! So I am serving in the viera first ward. 
That's me I'm right there. Well not exactly but I'm there in that vicinity. That's right the beach is in my area. So is Patrick's AFB which we have ins to get in there. My area is full of rich people and it's a non tracting/ finding area. It's all through member work and it is so much nicer to be in viera. I love leesburg but I love viera even more! There's family's here, nice restaurants,nice stores,we have an absolutely terrific meal coordinator momma Schafer. I literally haven't had to eat dinner at home since I got here. It is so refreshing to have people that want to feed the missionaries. But anyways I'll go into that later. 

So Monday was the end of my victory tour throughout leesburg but that mainly happened at night. For most of the day it was low key. Took a nap. Shopped. Got a hair cut. Emailed y'all. Usual stuff. Later that night I said goodbye to the bishop and his family all of whom I really liked. And then after that I said goodbye to the hulseys whom I reactivated. That was hard. Mainly because they were my favorite family and also their little baby I have seen grow up. Little lily is only one day older than my mission. 

Tuesday was the big big day. So I loaded all of my crap into the car. Said goodbye to my awesome apartment. Said good bye to leesburg and then later on said goodbye to my companion. I was scared. Terrified more really. It was just so new. And also big church news. They are turning an area of the the church ranch into a community for the homeless. And guess who gets to build it. Missionaries. So some missionaries were given special transfer calls. I wasn't but back to the real deal. So I was one of the very last missionaries to receive assignment. Talk about a nail bitter but eventually I got placed in the viera first ward in cocoa zone with elder penfold. Lucked out on that one. Penfold is on his 21 month mark so he's dying soon. But he's cool I really like him. We get along great. We then ate dinner at a flippen mansion. With 7 bathrooms!!! Also fun fact pututau is my new ZL. 

Wednesday was a good day with readjusting. To a new area. Met a lot of really cool people and did some awesome missionary type of things. Saw a rocket launch. That was way cool. We actually watched it with some other elders at the mansion and man that was cool. It just looks like something really small and then it goes out of sight and the minutes later you hear the rumbling which is pretty cool. Later that night I met momma Schafer. 

Thursday was chill. Had district meeting. Ate lunch with the leadership of the zone. Fun stuff really. I also started learning ASL and now I can finger spell. I hope to find a ASL for dummies book and become a tool for that. 

Friday we helped clean the church with the Schaffer family. Man I had no idea how much work it is to clean the church. You actually have to vacuum the benches weekly. Like lift up the vacuum and put on there and vacuum. It really gives you an appreciation of what people do. And also we got chick fil a milkshakes afterwards. 

Saturday. I ate like a king. Lunch at chilis and then dinner at this really good Chinese place. The Chinese place was way fancy. Like the member threw down a hundred to feed us. That what happens when you get fed by an ex mission president. Like all these members are like. You want desert too? Oh mah gosh I love it. Saturday we also had a really cool miracle. So my new apartment stinks so we went to go purchase smelly good stuff at Walmart. So we walk in and this guy shouts after us Latter Day Saints! So we go talk to him. Turns out he's had the lessons before and he wants to be baptized so we talk and do the normal thing and when it's time to go we say a prayer with them and then he starts sobbing. I have always taken the gospel for granted but seeing a man have it in his hands and then loose it and find it again and be so overjoyed by it that is truly amazing. He doesn't live in our area and he isn't our gator anymore but I don't care. He found what is the very best for him and were part of that. 

Sunday I met a lot of people and did missionary work. Met a little girl in our ward and we ate dinner at there house and I am now wrapped around her finger because that's elder Hanson. If there's a little girl and she befriends me I melt. Again I can't have a house full of girls when I'm married because I would become a pushover papa. Also played this game monopoly deal. New favorite card game. If you can find it please send it to me. 

Overall I'm loving my new area. It's the best. Also go and join Orlando Florida missionary moms page on Facebook. And you can see my face. 

Farewell, Hanson 

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