Monday, March 30, 2015

Stairs hurt

Miracle filled week. But also a trial some week. But all in all I'm glad that I went through and heck I got some good stories out of it.

Monday we sat around the apartment because we had no miles. Like barely anything.

Tuesday I was on exchanges with the district leader in good ole sleezburg. Pretty good time. Did some service by pulling a butt ton of weeds for the husley family. We got lunch out of it today and that made me happy. It was good lunch. It reminds me why I like them. And then we did the typical missionary work and it 'twas good. Also ate at a super good pizza restaurant and that twas good.

Wednesday was a good. Went to district meeting and then the westerns bought us Steak 'n Shake after because they like us more than everyone else and that was pretty darn tasty and then we did the usual missionary thing.

Thursday we had service with the sister missionaries and we raked leaves and filled up 62 large bags with leaves. That's right 62.
That's a lot of leaves and also a lot of being attacked by insects and a pit bull. Also I now want to own a pit bull. Not a mean untrained pit bull. But a nice trained one. But yea it was a lot of leaves. It took us 5 hours to do it and afterwards me and Wilson took advantage of the shower in the church that no one knows about.

Friday suuuuuuuuuuuuucked. So we went to a crappy Chinese buffet with a member and then we had to bike. Up a hill. In the wind. Also I almost wrecked on the bike. And then Wilson popped his bike tire and he has no money to get a replacement tube. So then we had to go home.
And then we got home and I went to mail a letter and I fell down the stairs! It was one after another. But by falling down the stairs it put us at the mailbox at the right time to meet a less active so the lord knew I had to fall down the stairs. Unfortunately. But hey later I also saw my first alligator and we got 4 referrals so not all bad.

Saturday we walked everywhere. We ended up walking like 8 miles I think. We also helped this dude who ran out of gas. Imagine two missionaries walking along the freeway with a gas can. That was us.
But I did see a restored xr7 cougar and that made me happy but everything hurt afterwards. Especially my ankle from falling down the stairs.

Sunday was pretty low key nothing exciting happened. We went to the hospital for the sacrament. The westerns fed us. Drove their golf cart around. Had an overall really awesome Sunday.

So my goal this week is to not fall down the stairs. Hoping. And praying for that.

Monday, March 23, 2015

New iPad! New gators! New potentials!

So I'm not going to lie. This past week has been pretty flippen fun and everything is going great. Sure I still have the ups and downs going on right now but I'll survive and push through. But I feel tons better than what I felt before.

Monday was a good p-day. We went to steak and shake with elders jurges and Willard and Willard bought us all food. I like steak and shake mainly because it's so flippen cheap like 4 bucks for a tasty burger and also the milkshakes are fantastic but free meal and then we met up with other elders at the stake center to do the usual basketball and volleyball. And we went back to lees burg.

Tuesday was kinda wild. Also we had zone conference and received trainings about a bunch of stuff and then we got new phones and NEW IPADS! Yeah the new ones are waaaay better than the old ones. And then we drove back to the stake center to set them up and since I'm such a nice guy and super good at doing screen protectors I ended up putting on all of the sister missionaries screen protectors and a few of the elders. And then I ended up staying in Eustis for exchanges and ate at chipotle. Decent day I do say so my self.

Wednesday I was in Eustis and bought a gun pen. It looks like a bullet and has a wooden barrel and has a little bolt action to use the pen.
Super cool pen.

Thursday felt like every appointment that we had got cancelled everywhere we went and after all of that we went to firehouse subs and all of the sudden this baptist guy walks up and invites us to his home. Apparently he's had missionaries over before and he liked em so that was way cool.

Friday we had to go back to Orlando. I hate going to Orlando. It's just a solid hour and a half drive and it's just blah. We've managed to go all different routes on the way there. We've been through the countryside, turnpike, freeway, amusement park way, downtown way(that's a cool way you see all the skyscrapers), and of course the ghetto. But I wasn't to impressed with the counselor this go around.  She was more concerned with getting on vacation than actually helping me. She also thought that nothing was wrong with me and my visit with her was half an hour. And after all that we got stuck in traffic and slowly made our way back home.

Saturday we had to have the westerns help us out because we are so low on car miles and then they realized that the only way we eat is if we are at home so they took us to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. They also helped us get our 5 new gators which is helpful even though it's not in the best of neighborhoods and they were iffy about going in.
But all went well.

Sunday we went to church all the sudden we meet this lady named Taylor and she said that she was investigating the church and we get talking and she just got out of the army and Afghanistan and then we let the sisters take over at church because she's a woman. The sisters aren't happy because she lives in our area so we get her as a gator if she chooses to take lessons. Go us! And also we asked our neighbor for his wifi password so now we have wifi in the apartment! Go us!

That's what has primarily happened here in lees burg pretty good stuff

Elder Hanson.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Organ mover

So. Another week. Another month. Another lots of other crap. I swear everything is out to get me.

So Monday was p day and it was a elder zone PDay so we had all of the elders from the zone at the stake center and we played volleyball and basketball and had a tie trade and I came with 3 and left with 7 ties. Sure some of em are ugly but that's the fun part. Still trying to find a really really unique one. After that we went to husleys and had dinner and then we sped off to do a exchange.

Tuesday wasn't too bad. It was actually my most favorite exchange I've done because I came out with the kid. Elder chidister Is from alpine and he's my most favorite diabetic. He's down to enjoy a 16 dollar pizza more than a 4 dollar pizza which was good. Also he just can make friends really easy. So had a good day and we taught Lynn's husband and found out that we have to go the long way with getting him baptized with his past. We also taught brother allicock who is one of my favorite less actives because he's just super cool.

Wednesday was ok. It was a really hard day for me even tho we had a baptism which I just don't get but none the less it was the beginning of the journey.

Thursday we had a ZTM (zone training meeting) and that was good nothing extremely interesting happened. Ate at chipotle. And then had a double dinner appointment. We've been having a lot of meal appointments because pututau is getting transferred and everything so everyone wants to feed us. I literally have cooked for myself in the 2 weeks. It's been great.

Friday was Friday. Nothing amazing or noteworthy occurred. It was just the beginning of the end of me and pututau which was kinda sad. We started the goodbye chain.

Saturday morning we along with elders from the Sumterville district moved and organ. This wasn't a little baby one either. This was a 60,000 dollar organ. It was cool because afterwards we got to mess around with it. It's got a banjo, chimes, all the pretty lights, and just for fun it has a light show button. Which is kinda cool when you have it going. All it cost was nothing. We moved it for the branch president of Sumterville whom is a really cool and nice guy and every time we do service for him he feeds us a meal a lot of the time he feeds us breakfast. Later on that day we called a less active family to check up on them and found out that the husband whom I've become friends with tried to take his life. Talk about a slap to the face.  He's doing better now but what a slap.

So Sunday we had Ward conference. I don't know why but every meeting that the stake invites us to is the biggest waste of our time.  Literally most of the stuff doesn't even apply. So I did my first confirmation. That was nerve racking. Baptism isn't super nerve racking because you have the pray right there. But confirmation since it's all from your head. Yikes. So a slap to the face again was with the bishops son in law. He's a nonmember and at times even though he doesn't take the lessons he participates and is really good. But yesterday he laid a challenge on me. Help him be able see the connection between the bible and Book of Mormon. No easy task. And then we go to do the sacrament for bro jozitis and we were late so we go there at 8 and he flips me off. And then opens the door and yells at us and then slams the door. We don't know what his deal is but I'm still angry about it. Someone calls you his brother and then we go to give him the sacrament and he yells at us. Talk about being rude. He doesn't realize that it was going to be the last time he was going to see pututau either. Sucks for him.

So that was this week. Transfers are tomorrow and I'll get my new comp and Thursday I'll be going to orlando. Fun stuff.

Love ya.

Elder Hanson

Monday, March 2, 2015

Cookies and transvestites

You know it feels like yesterday I wrote yall. It's weird how once you get into the swing of things that every day blurs into one. Speaking of thing blurring. 3 MONTHS! That's kind of a big deal. That means I'm an 1/8th of the way done with my mission. Sketchy. Like most of my area. But I'm shocked it's the three month. It went by fast and also it means that this is my last week of being a trainee. Wahoo!

So Monday. I was supposed to write ya'll and to be honest I shoulda told ya'll that it wasn't happening but I didn't sorry. The reason why I didn't write ya'll was because of mission conference. We had elder zwick from the seventy come down and in the beginning we had a long brief handshake chain and I got a brief conversation with him all because of the potato pin. We also had the churches director of Proselyting there too. But elder zwick told us about his mission. He was sent to a remote village in Bolivia for 17 months. The remainder of his mission. No clean water. No contact with mission headquarters.
No nothing. The assignment he got. Build a church. You should look it up. It's a pretty good tale. And then we got some direction on the iPads. The iPad I have now goes back to the church and I get my own personal better one. It's gunna be faster and have more memory so wooooo! Also with this I get to take it home after the mission. After conference we ate at a place called yellow dog eats and it was way good. And then I slept in the car while pututau drove back to Leesburg good day in all.

Tuesday was our p day and it was supposed to be a district p day but because our district is the fun district another district joined us. I ended up making 32 molten chocolate cookies. That took me literally 4 hours. But it was worth it. Elder Jurges from Bellview ended up dislocating his shoulder during rain volleyball but meh he's still alive.

Wednesday we had a district meeting and a typical Wednesday.

Thursday we went people hunting and found a recent convert from our records and also. Drum roll. WE FOUND PRINCESS!! So remember how I told you princess was a man well he is kinda. We are not positive but pretty sure we found a transvestite. We knock on the door and he opens and he's wearing a skirt, and a pink sweatshirt and long hair and lady earrings but he wasn't a woman. It's one of those moments where it throws you for a loop. But man never thought that would happen.

Friday was pretty good we went to the aldriches and there less active and super cool. The atmosphere in there home is a lot like how we had missionaries over. It's calm and friendly and fun. Actually now that I think about it it's exactly how we used to be. It's crazy. But I wish they were active.

Saturday was a service Saturday meaning that we did a lot of service we moved a treehouse and a bed but it was all worth it because we got fed breakfast and lunch because of it. Man I found out that biscuits and gravy fills you up pretty good! And that I'm also sick of biscuits and gravy. Ya.

Sunday normal Sunday.

So that's it for this week.