Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Jamaican food!

So big news coming out of the Bay of Palms. I am getting white washed
out. Thats right im out. Getting transferred. Hitting the road jack.
Acting like a tree and leafing. But ya thats a pretty big development.
They are replacing me with sister missionaries so thats kinda
interesting. I feel kinda bad for them. They are moving into an
apartment that has housed Elders for about 5 years. So you know that
the apartment is gunna have so scars to it but oh well. I went over
and cleaned it today so now it cleaner but now i gotta pack. I hate
packing. Like alot.But alas i endure.

So monday was a pretty good day if i say so myself. We did the
traditional thing. Everyone gathers at one chapel and we all play
sports and stuff like that. I convinced one of the Elders too buy me
some subway which was really funny and really good. We had to leave
early because some Elders rode with and they decided to schedule a
dinner at 4:30. You dont do that. Thats still pday time. Also dont do
that when you ride with other Elders. That just makes E. Hanson upset
and aint nobody like it when E Hanson is upset. Nobody. Other than
that it was a good day.

Tuesday was of course my wonderful birthday so that was pretty good. I
woke up and unwrapped some presents and that was enjoyable. I thought
about making a cake but then i was like nahhhhhh! That was a day of
teaching and stuff like that. We also did service for crazy Vashti. I
dont know if i have told you about Vashti but she lives across from me
and shes a Jamaican/Haitian ex-pentecostal evangelist convert. Oh and
shes crazy. Well anyways we did some service for her and usually how
it turns out is you go over for say fifteen minuets you you will be
there for 2 hours. so we do the service and tucker wanting to mess
with me told vashti that it was my birthday she starts  into a schpeel
about her past and how having healthy bones is the secret for having
a long life and about how god talks to her. you know normal stuff like
that. Well we get up to go and i hear "BROTHER HANSON GIVE ME YOUR
HANDS HEE HEE!" What are you supposed to do in a situation like that?
You have a crazy woman asking for your hands. Keep in mind this is a
woman who has told me how to kill people and has called me a fat
spanish man which only half of that is true (its the spanish part
obviously) So being very confused and slightly scared i give her my
hands and all of the sudden prayer is going down and she is praying
over my hands. I was trying really hard not to laugh as she prayed for
my bones and that i will be wealthy. So ya it was interesting. After
Vashti we went to dinner at  the hanna's whom i love very much and you
know what they did? They bought me cupcakes and a gift. How sweet of
them! They bought me this beautiful cross pen. Cross pens i know for a
fact arent the cheapest pens either. They are like 30 bucks so i was
really touched by that. It made my birthday just a little bit easier!

Wednesday was a barefoot day which consisted of visiting old people
and also getting yelled at by old people which is always fun. We also
went and taught the Chiarillo boys about how to be missionaries and i
was "tom" the investigator and they did alright but it was still
awkward. While they were doing it was reflecting on my mission and i
thought "was i that lost and scatterbrained?" I guess i must have been
because man without truly knowing the doctrine its very difficult to
teach and knowing the doctrine and being taught by someone who doesnt
know it is just painful! So later we went down to barefoot and had a
good ole day. We went to a members house for dinner and had some
really healthy ham and stuff like that.

Thursday we had a christmas eve district meeting and then went to
texas roadhouse afterwards and i bought a glorious steak dinner and i
greatly enjoyed it. And then we did the typical teaching thing.

Friday we had some tasty Jamaican food which consisted of Catfish
fritters, fried dumplins, boiled bannanas, boiled white yams, Jamaican
bread, Salt fish, and liver. quite the breakfast and plus it was darn
tasty. Later i did some planning and then talked to my wonderful
family members.

So saturday rolled around and i got the transfer call and my heart
just dropped and i felt super sick to my stomach. it was sooo hard
swallowing that. im getting whitewashed so that majorly sucks but oh
well ill deal even tho im not looking foward too it.

Sunday was kinda deppressing saying goodbye to everyone and taking
farewell pictures but it is what it is.

So love ya'll hope ya'll are doing good. Stay classy!


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