Monday, December 14, 2015

Exchanges with a greenie

Well its been another week and its felt kinda long this go around. I think its the fact that the holidays are in full swing so everything is just seeming to go so much slower because you can always tell what time of the year it is. This past week was pretty busy. i felt like i couldn't keep up with all of the things going on. I have felt stressed as of late just with all of the changes that are happening in the area as of late. Namely the fact that we send Elder Husbands off tomorrow and i have to go live with elders that i am not particularly fond of. Dont get me wrong i like em but if i had a choice i wouldn't hang out with them but as a missionary i have to adapt so best to suck it up now.

Monday was pretty regular. We went to the church and played some dodge ball and other sports and things and later in the day we did some good ole fashioned teaching. Nothing too amazing. Just a normal typical day.

Tuesday somebody that Elder Husbands knows drove down from Orlando and bought us some lunch at Olive garden. I forget how good Olive Garden is but how much they scam you soup and bread sticks and more importantly the food. Like my plate was pretty expensive and it made me kinda glad that i wasn't paying for it because well we had desert too. All and all it tasted good and made my belly happy happy. It also gave me another meal for late which makes a missionary happy. Later that night we ate with another family that Elder Husbands knows and that was good. Some good ole fashioned gator. Ever since ive gotten down to Palm Bay i have eaten a lot more gator which is weird. I dunno. i guess im more in the south. We then proceeded to talk about all of their gator hunting stories which was pretty interesting and some of them very funny. Pretty good food day. Then we went home and i packed up for exchanges to the south area.

Wednesday was exchange day with a greenie. You know ive come to realize that i really dont like majorities of greenies. I dont know if its just the ones ive met or that im becoming and old crotchety missionary but i just dont like em. Saying that, this exchange was like slamming my head into a kitchen counter over and over and over. Namely because he didn't use his resources to the fullest and also it was back and forth and back and forth to places on bikes which is just an irritant too me. And also he just over complicated things for example the explanation of why i was there and why elder tucker was not. Me: we just swapped for the day. The Greenie: Elder Tucker Is a missionary who oversees multiple areas within the Florida Orlando Mission and he goes to check up on them to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to do and also so that he can help them become better missionaries. Both answers are correct. One is simple. one is overly complicated. so ya my day was just overly complicated. Also biking around Florida's largest manufactured home community isn't always the most exhilarating 

Thursday was decent. We had ZTM and that was pretty good. Afterwards we ate some pretty good pizza and enjoyed it. Real good pizza.

Friday we did some weekly planning but we kinda mixed it up a little. We turned into weekly tanning with some good ole tanning oil. Yea it happened. We planned in the church parking lot while tanning. Thats the life right there.

Saturday we had our ward christmas party and i got stuck at watching a room. by myself. but oh well i had fun anyways.

Sunday we got to talk to the young women and you know thats always kind of a weird situation to be put into but oh well.

That was my week not too interesting but hey its life. love ya.

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