Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Gooooooooooood morning Vietnam! Just kidding. I'm not actually in Vietnam. But good morning from Florida! Well more accurately afternoon but who really cares about the specifics. I sure as heck don't. Well another week has passed by and that's nice. It's the last week of transfers and this past 6 weeks have gone by incredibly incredibly quick. So I'm back up on the board for am I staying or am I going. 

Monday was rather uneventful. We looked at our schedule and said hey what do you want to do today. I dunno. So we slept. It was glorious. I slept clear until 4 and you don't realize you can do that until you actually try. And then I emailed. And then I went on exchanges with the one and only pututau. It was like getting the band back together. 

Tuesday we did some teaching and did some service and man service outside in Florida is just terrible. Like sweating like a pig. That was fun. Then we decided to extend the exchange for another day. And then I ate some Barbados food which was interesting. And then went to go pick up my suit from home home. 

So Wednesday me and pututau drove down to Palm Bay so that he could straighten things out. So that was fun. So we got done with all of that stuff and ate some McDonald's. And drove back. Later that night we ate some real good Haitian food and then we decided hey let's extend this sucker. So I had the really long exchange. 3 days. It started to feel like old times again. 

Thursday we had district meeting nothing amazing to report there. So here's the highlight for the week. So while I was gone penfold built a potato cannon. Ok. 

Friday is where things got crazy. So said potato cannon launches some pretty good fireballs. So I loaded it with fuel and forgot about it. An hour or two I come back and click it and nothing happened and so I look down the barrel to make sure it is still sparking and boom. It got me with a fireball on my right side of my face. I burned my eyelashes, eyebrows and my hairline so I bough some scissors and did some trimming and I look normal just no right eyelashes. So yea. 

Saturday and Sunday not much happened. 

So it's the last week of the the transfer and there is rumor that penfold will be leaving and that I will be training and that's been back up by the zls so we will see what will happen. 

Peace out from paradise. 

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