Monday, August 31, 2015

New stuff

I'm tired. This past transfer flew past. I forgot that on Thursday
that I hit 9 months. Man. Have I really been out that long? Three
months or so till Christmas! And then you will see me for the last
time on a Christmas. Can you imagine that? That insane!!!!! Wow.

So Monday we went and went to this pretty sweet comic book store.
Believe it or not I had a lot of fun there. They had this wall of
board games and it was so much fun. I loved it. We found his really
fun game called the worst game ever. It's apples to apples mixed with
being ridiculous. It was super fun and super recommended. Then we had
a FHE at momma schaefers house which was fun.

Tuesday we got in the car and drove to the mighty orlando with brother
Nickerson to pick up the new guy. We got him and absolutely hated him.
He was the guy we were hoping not to get but we got him anyway and
he's a nazi!

Wednesday it was a rocky day. Me and elder penfold have been fighting
off elder Bagshaw. He's completely overbearing and really just is
trying to take over the area and we're not to pleased about that. So
we've been resisting a lot.

Thursday we've slowly been wearing away at Bagshaw trying to break him
and Thursday was the day that we saw that he was starting to break.
The down side was that he ratted on us on Thursday to the zone leaders
saying we're too lazy and we don't utilize our time. All of which is a
lie. Also on Thursday we dropped our long term gator. Blah.

Friday was alright. We started getting a lot more rain and storms and
due to the supposed hurricane/tropical storm. And we also bought a lot
of toilet paper and water and such stuff. We also went to this super
awesome pet store and I held a ferret and it was super awesome.

Saturday we went to this one guys house and turned out to be a
hoarding pot head. Who also doesn't clean his bathroom. I'm not going
to go any further because i just really don't want too.

Sunday was usual churchy things.

And today I'm emailing you and playing gator ball.

Lov you all be safe!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Gooooooooooood morning Vietnam! Just kidding. I'm not actually in Vietnam. But good morning from Florida! Well more accurately afternoon but who really cares about the specifics. I sure as heck don't. Well another week has passed by and that's nice. It's the last week of transfers and this past 6 weeks have gone by incredibly incredibly quick. So I'm back up on the board for am I staying or am I going. 

Monday was rather uneventful. We looked at our schedule and said hey what do you want to do today. I dunno. So we slept. It was glorious. I slept clear until 4 and you don't realize you can do that until you actually try. And then I emailed. And then I went on exchanges with the one and only pututau. It was like getting the band back together. 

Tuesday we did some teaching and did some service and man service outside in Florida is just terrible. Like sweating like a pig. That was fun. Then we decided to extend the exchange for another day. And then I ate some Barbados food which was interesting. And then went to go pick up my suit from home home. 

So Wednesday me and pututau drove down to Palm Bay so that he could straighten things out. So that was fun. So we got done with all of that stuff and ate some McDonald's. And drove back. Later that night we ate some real good Haitian food and then we decided hey let's extend this sucker. So I had the really long exchange. 3 days. It started to feel like old times again. 

Thursday we had district meeting nothing amazing to report there. So here's the highlight for the week. So while I was gone penfold built a potato cannon. Ok. 

Friday is where things got crazy. So said potato cannon launches some pretty good fireballs. So I loaded it with fuel and forgot about it. An hour or two I come back and click it and nothing happened and so I look down the barrel to make sure it is still sparking and boom. It got me with a fireball on my right side of my face. I burned my eyelashes, eyebrows and my hairline so I bough some scissors and did some trimming and I look normal just no right eyelashes. So yea. 

Saturday and Sunday not much happened. 

So it's the last week of the the transfer and there is rumor that penfold will be leaving and that I will be training and that's been back up by the zls so we will see what will happen. 

Peace out from paradise. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Just another day in paradise

I feel so calm. I guess that's what happens when your only living 9
miles away from the ocean. It's super nice. Somebody call Ronald
McDonald because I'm lovin it!

So Monday we went to the church ranch and that was informative. I
learned that you tell how big a gator is by measuring his eyes to the
tip of his snout. So I measure a gator who visited a taxidermist and
that sucker was 12 inches which means a 12 foot long gator. That's a
big reptile. Also learned that due to the ranch the church owns 2%
percent of Florida due to the ranch. The number one killer of cattle
out there is lightning. I also saw like 6 gators, 2 turtles, 2 deer,
and a possum. Quite the adventure on the church ranch tour bus.

Tuesday was a normal day nothing eventful happened.

Wednesday we helped paint all day. It was quite the task. We had 4
rooms to paint in one day. No choice. We started at 10 and finished at
1030. Quite the task. Eventually we did get it all done but man I've
mastered the skill painting the color white. So now I've got great
skill with that.

Thursday I picked up the phone and we got the assignment to talk on
church Sunday. Greeeeeaaaat so whatever. We then had ztm and ate lunch
afterwards and you'll never guess what I found. A pita pit!! Oh my
gosh that was so great! After lunch I did a mini exchange and hung out
with elder Honda and had a pretty fun time.

Friday was normal.

Saturday also was normal.

Sunday was Sunday. I spoke. Hated that. And the did normal stuff.

So that was my week. It was good and I'll see y'all soon

Elda Hanson

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

No pictures!

Oh let me regale you with great tales of my past weeks adventure. I
mean it's all pretty much the same to me but to everyone else it's a
different tale so we shall continue onwards with story time now.

Monday was the pday just like how every Monday is. So I lent my bike
out. Now before you get mad here's my story. So elder Hondas bike was
sadly destroyed on the way to transfers because a missionary didn't
get on the bike rack good enough. And this certain brand of bike rack
is terrible. So a semi destroyed his bike poor guy. So we drove him
and his comp to get a new bike after a few days and he got a new bike.
I noticed on his destroyed bike days later that it had the fantastic
CTR Bikes sticker on it and I asked him if he had the replacement
option. He said he was gonna check and days later he gleefully says
he's getting a replacement bike from CTR. That's right I remember the
small details. So this brings us back to Monday. He asks if he can
borrow a bike because he needs to turn in the one he bought and the
mission won't let them borrow a car or spend the 120 miles to go pick
it up. So me being a kind soul lent him my bike. Here's my reasoning
why. He offered if my bike was wrecked or damaged he would pay for
repairs or pay the 75 for a new bike. He would also re buy all the
accessories I have on there and pay for the assembly of my bike. Up
score for me is I get my bike burned in and I earn a favor with a
missionary. So it was a win situation if I did it so I took it. Now I
am picky with loaning. No members. No gators. Very few missionaries.
So there that's the story of the bike.

Later we went with Nickerson and tried to buy a Honda. No luck. So the
only logical thing to do next is go to the Porsche dealership. So
went. Tried and failed. So we settle and bought a kitchen table
instead. For dinner we ate at the Beasleys. They fortunately live on
the Air Force base which borders the ocean. So guess who got to tour
the military base. Me. I did. Nice base. Golf course, movie theater,
library, marina, campground, auto shop really everything. So we have a
few rules. One of which was ask before we take a picture. So we drive
past the airfield and see 5 C-130's and 3 Apache's. Naturally we want
to take a picture so we ask. Our answer. No. That blew everything I
was hoping for. That moment he said no we both silently and sadly put
our cameras away. So after the base tour I did the thing that every
missionaries hopes he can do. I visited the beach. That's right I saw
the ocean. And touched actual beach sand. It was cool.

So Tuesday we were supposed to have interviews with president berry
but we had a doctors appointment in Orlando so we kinda missed that.
And since president doesn't give a crap about penfold that much and he
knows I'm a responsible missionary we may or may not have passed

Wednesday I ate with some Columbians. I really like the Columbian
people. There super friendly and super funny. After that we went to a
part members house and he showed us all of his guns. I fell in love
with his kimber 1911. Don't really like the smith and Wesson shield
too much. He had a really beautiful AR-15. All in all the man is
really good at building guns.

Thursday and Friday nothing really happened.

Saturday we helped this nonmember family move and I have decided no
heavy wood, iron, or glass in my home. Such a pain. Also the wife was
reaaaaally bossy about it too.

Sunday I went to church imagine that. Made some cookies. And ate on base.

So that's my story. Today I'm going to the church ranch and I'll make
sure to take some cool pictures if there are any. Love y'all.

Elder Huey.