Monday, April 13, 2015

So I've been super tired lately so I must be doing something right lately. Everything time wise feels like it's speeding up. Pretty soon I'll just be home. That'll be an interesting experience.

Monday we had a super legit district p-day. Elder Hanson grilled up some pork tenderloin in his classy apron. Played some awesome volleyball. Gave Wilson a haircut. Almost rescued a kitten. Now that's a story. So we are driving back from district p day and were stopped at a light and Wilson looks over and sees a kitten in the middle of the road. The poor guy was a newborn. His eyes weren't even open. We were going to rescue it but the light turned. So we're driving and we feel terrible. So we get down the road a little bit and then all of the sudden we make a u turn I'm ripping open a box to use for the kitten. We get there and the kitten was gone so someone picked him up.
But it would have made a difficult time explaining to president why we had a kitten in our apartment.

Tuesday we started cleaning like crazy and what do ya know we didn't even get a apartment check this week. Talk about annoying.

Wednesday we had our usual Eustis district meeting. I made the strawberry cheesecake cookies and it was a huge success. We have really thrown the hammer down on the work lately

Thursday pretty much normal stuff.

Friday was pretty fun. We did a lot of golf cart contacting and racked up a lot of lessonss. Not everyone can say they do golf cart contacting.

Saturday there was a baptism.

Sunday. Blah.

That's all that has happened this past week so.

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