Monday, April 20, 2015

Cheesecake and Cinnamon Rolls

So its the end of the third transfer and drum staying in leesburg with elder Wilson. That means a total of 6 months in my first area. A quarter of my mission spent in sleezburg. I mean im happy because we are only loosing one person from our district this transfer and that's sister Jensen. Its bitter sweet this transfer because im staying but hey I got driving privileges today so awesome stuff.

So Monday we had a nerf gun war and that was pretty sick. Nothing like shooting people in the face with nerf darts. Its super awesome. And also somewhat of a stress reliever to shoot your friends in the face. good stuff really. Everything else was pretty normal with that p-day. And then we went on exchanges

Tuesday we were on exchanges and I was in Apopka and it was super fun and we messed around and I made three cheesecakes! THREE! it wasn't that hard especially because sister western just flat out gave me a mix so that's gunna stick with me but back to the cheesecakes. I made three different kinds. I made a newyork chocolate covered strawberry, a double layer pumpkin cheesecake, and then finally I made a orange dreamscicle  cheesecake. They all turned out pretty darn good.

Wednesday we had district meeting and president interviews and turns out that my cheesecakes were a huuuuuuuuuuge success and president berry loved all three of them. Sister berry loved all three of them and now wants me to be transferred to the hunters creek zone so that I can bake for her little parties and dinners that she hosts. Wouldn't that be a missionary story. I think thatd be awesome. We also found some super awesome family that were going to start teaching this super awesome family and he used to be a gangbanger so thatll be super cool. Me and Elder Wilson were asked by the sisters to do some blessings for a less active. I think that was the mostspiritual blessing I have ever given in my whole life.

Thursday was pretty normal

Friday I made some home made cinnamon rolls and I had to let them raise and so I made a nice little deal for them to rise faster. The rolls turned out super good and then I made the home made icing that turned out really good.

Saturday normal day

sunday was sunday

not too many interesting stories beyond that really

Love Elda Hanson

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