Monday, September 14, 2015

The road,myself, and the spirit

Adventure. Adventure. Another week another tale. Quite the crazy week
of travel.

Monday was fun. We went and played board games and I enjoyed myself.

Tuesday I drove to Kissimmee to get elder ostler to an appointment for
his arm and that was a drive in the middle of no where. Out by the
ranch there is nothing but flatness and trees. So it's my kind of
drive. On the way back both elder Vaughn and ostler fell asleep so I
was completely by myself. Just me and my music and the spirit. I
reflected a lot on that drive. Like the fact that 9 months ago I was
just starting out. It was nice to just be alone for a few moments.

Wednesday. Was a tough day. We got up at 4 for a zone conference. We
had to drive allllll the way to Orlando without the turnpike. It kinda
sucked. And then the gps got us lost which sucked.
And then I had to get a flu shot which sucked. And then an 8 hour
meeting which sucked. And then they made all of my music illegal.
Noooooo. First they take my incense away. Then my music. If the take
away my funky socks I'm going crazy. Then drive back. I drove like 300
miles in two days.

Thursday it was just me and ostler and we drove down to the bottom of
our area to go tracking and man that sucked. I got yelled at and had
zero success. Taught ostler that tracting is the worst ever.

Friday was good until the end of the day so I got yelled at by my
companion because I didn't take someone's name down. So I got yelled
at in public like a child because he's better than me. Later he sits
me down and tells me all the things I'm doing wrong. That's real fun.
Good thing I only have him for this transfer. I don't understand what
makes me so wrong. In his eyes everything I do is wrong. I don't get

Saturday was decent I was on exchanges and away from Vaughn. I cleaned
a pool. Finally learned how to do that one.

Sunday was Sunday.

Everything else is eh.

Sent from Elder Hanson's Ipad

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