Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I want my baby back baby back baby back riiiiiiiibs

Wellllll. I can say this week was better. So that is always a major
plus. Uhm having a baptism in like a week. I hit my ten monther mark.
So double digits for days. Kinda hard to believe that in a transfer
and a half I will be on the downward spiral. It's gone by pretty darn
quick. But on to the week.

So Monday was kind of a boring p-day. It's interesting that some areas
just kinda suck at the whole p-day thing. It was a district p-day too
and so it was hecka boring. Like I wanted to scream. There were a few
competitive things and doing that thing with Vaughn is just more
difficult  to play. He played a few sports and so he gets jacked up so
i don't play anything with him anymore. Monday was just gah for me. A
lot of stress. A lot of frustration. A lot of anxiety.

Tuesday was nice. It was just me and ostler and that was incredibly
nice. It really helped me stepped back for a moment and smell the
roses. It's interesting. Less active and convert missionaries are some
of the hardest companions I've decided. We then got taken out to
chilies for dinner and they spent a lot of money on us. Like bought us
Oreo lava cakes which weren't cheap. Buy it was filling.

Wednesday was district meeting. Felt like gauging my eye out with a
spoon. Real good fun. Then they came to the apartment and ate my food.
In short I'm not incredibly impressed with the missionaries out here.

Thursday was pretty mediocre.

Friday we had a baptism interview and he passed so that was fantastic.
And then we pretty much planned for the rest of the day. Then a family
took us to chilies again and it was delicious.

Saturday was a busy day. Elder Vaughn yelled at me again this time.
Fun stuff. You can tell he's a high quality leader. Yells at you
rather than fixing it the mature way. It's ok I made it so that he
won't be going to an area where there is a certain sister. (Sinister
laugh of obedience) 

Sunday was Sunday. Gospel principals makes me want to poke myself with
a fork. Then I ate some steak and saw a really beautiful car. A good
ole Chevelle. It made me happy.

Well here's to week six. Transfers are next Tuesday and there's a high
likely hood that I will be staying. Also a decent likely hood I will
train and also a good likely hood I will become a DL. They will either
bring one in or make me one if I stay. That's all guessing tho. We
will see. Love y'all.

Sent from Elder Hanson's Ipad

Monday, September 14, 2015

The road,myself, and the spirit

Adventure. Adventure. Another week another tale. Quite the crazy week
of travel.

Monday was fun. We went and played board games and I enjoyed myself.

Tuesday I drove to Kissimmee to get elder ostler to an appointment for
his arm and that was a drive in the middle of no where. Out by the
ranch there is nothing but flatness and trees. So it's my kind of
drive. On the way back both elder Vaughn and ostler fell asleep so I
was completely by myself. Just me and my music and the spirit. I
reflected a lot on that drive. Like the fact that 9 months ago I was
just starting out. It was nice to just be alone for a few moments.

Wednesday. Was a tough day. We got up at 4 for a zone conference. We
had to drive allllll the way to Orlando without the turnpike. It kinda
sucked. And then the gps got us lost which sucked.
And then I had to get a flu shot which sucked. And then an 8 hour
meeting which sucked. And then they made all of my music illegal.
Noooooo. First they take my incense away. Then my music. If the take
away my funky socks I'm going crazy. Then drive back. I drove like 300
miles in two days.

Thursday it was just me and ostler and we drove down to the bottom of
our area to go tracking and man that sucked. I got yelled at and had
zero success. Taught ostler that tracting is the worst ever.

Friday was good until the end of the day so I got yelled at by my
companion because I didn't take someone's name down. So I got yelled
at in public like a child because he's better than me. Later he sits
me down and tells me all the things I'm doing wrong. That's real fun.
Good thing I only have him for this transfer. I don't understand what
makes me so wrong. In his eyes everything I do is wrong. I don't get

Saturday was decent I was on exchanges and away from Vaughn. I cleaned
a pool. Finally learned how to do that one.

Sunday was Sunday.

Everything else is eh.

Sent from Elder Hanson's Ipad

Monday, September 7, 2015

Ankles and arms

So you know how I was talking about last week being a crazy week. Well this week got even crazier. Here's the basic gist of it. I got a bad sprain, I was on crutches, I had an amazing miracle, and... I am no longer serving in viera I got moved. Now to cover all of that. 

So Monday was pretty gosh darn fun. We played gator ball which is soccer mixed with rugby and it is incredibly fun. The goal is to kick or throw the ball at a chair and it is a workout. Then I emailed and did some shopping and it was great. After all of that we went to a families HFE and that was pretty cool. I ate delicious tres leche. 

Tuesday we had ourselves an exchange day. Elder gooch, whom I have know since the beginning of my mission, came down to me and elder Bagshaw. It was an ok exchange. That was the day I actually rolled my ankle. So we were walking back from a house we just visited and the sidewalk was kinda off and so I rolled it. It swelled up soooooo bad. It was the size of an egg in 30 min. And then Bagshaw made me tract all day long. By the end I could barely walk. It sucked. 

So Wednesday I have penfold back with us and I was talking with momma Schaefer to get some crutches and then I was thinking I should prolly call the mission office to get this taken care of and boom they told me to get an X-ray which I was honestly surprised. So that's going to be coming up on the insurance :). But I got my X-ray and the doc walked in said it was a sprain and tried to walk out. I said whoa whoa whoa man come back. I'm paying for you and your going to actually talk to me. He was a little huffy after that but oh well. So I had crutches and a brace to wear. And the we had BOM class and everyone was asking what happened. It was fun. 

Thursday was pretty uneventful during the day. We had district meeting and then we all went to eat at taco bell as a district. Pretty good all around. I burned some dried palms for service and man if you think dried dried stuff back home burns really good you have never burned dried palms. You light one end and all of the sudden you got a big fire going. That's a hot fire on a hot day. And then later that night we had a miracle. So we had a referral for a blessing and we went to said referral and met the family a mom, a dad, and a 13 year old daughter. So we gave all three said blessings and the spirit was really strong in short we challenged them all to be baptized, come to church, and take the lessons. They said yes to all three! Wahooooooo! That was a spiritual awesomeness. 

Friday I got up and got ready thinking it was going to be a normal day. At 8 I got phone call from president. Here's how said call went: hi president. "Elder Hanson! How are you and the companionship going?" Great! We just had an amazing miracle! " working hard?" Yes sir! " good good. Well elder Hanson I'm going to need to move you to Palm Bay. Elder ostler broke his hand and elder Vaughn doesn't have a license. I need you to be the designated driver." Oh uhm. Ok. "Elder Hanson I'm going to need you to leave today." Oh can I leave on Sunday so I can take care of a few things? "Elder I don't feel safe with elder ostler driving." Ok I'll go. Bam. I left 2 hours later. That was crazy. Pretty much after all of that we planned because I was new. And also had a really sweet lesson about temples. I have never had a stronger testimony until this past month. 

Saturday was a normal missionary day. 

Sunday I completely met a brand new ward and that was a little tough but I'll get over it. 

I know you'll all ask so. I am now in the Palm Bay 1st ward. It's a ward where only good missionaries get sent. So I'm flattered. I now have a son. I'm actually elder ostlers mom. Sooo. 
Elder Vaughn is 20. Convert of 5 years. Nice guy and he smart. I like him a lot. He's from Texas. And he's been out for 19 months. 
Elder ostler is 18. Shy but sweet guy. I like him. He's from Provo. And he's been out for 1 and 1/2 months. 

So yea super exciting. See yall in 15 months. 

This is that family.