Monday, May 18, 2015

Apopka adventures

So its been a week. its been a good week. Nothing monumental has happend but none the less it was a good week.

So monday was low key just a typical P-day.

Tuesday was hot. It gets hot when your car has no AC. And  also when its like 91 degrees outside so that'll do it.

Wednesday was a normal day again so meh.

Thursday we had ZTM and after that we had exchanges so i went to Apopka with elder stewart. And i was in the hood for the day. That was fun. Like really fun. JK it was terrifying. I also ate some authentic Venezuelan food and everyone was speaking spanish and i had no idea what was going on. I did catch a recipe for plantains tho and tried plantains for the first time and they were ok. Also gave a guy 18 dollars because he said that his tire blew out and he didnt have his wallet on him. Was he lying? Was he telling the truth? i dont know but i did what christ would do so that made me feel good. I then learned how to play chess for the first time and i lost. twice.

Friday i went back to leesburg and it was hot again because hey no AC. But i did buy Inncense and other stuff. Oh and i also got sick so everytime i swallow it feels like im swallowing nails. its nice. it really is.

Saturday was normal.

Sunday we had a minor Pizza party at our house and it was pretty chill.

Monday( today) we drove down to orlando and did a car swap while ours gets fixed and WE HAVE AC!!! also we visted an asian market and i bought some asian items but apparently they taste good but i cant even read them. And then we played catan AND I WON! WOOOOO GO ME!

So sorry that my life is super boring but i love yall!

Elder Hanson

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