Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas Food is Good

So its P-day and we played ultimate with a bunch of people our DL and his comp and also some sisters. We almost had a full fledged district P-day but that's next week some that should be fun. Not much has happened lately not alot of lessons and stuff just because of Christmas. Its been kinda warm lately but that's OK I'm not complaining. We have District meeting of Wednesday, Zone training meeting on Thursday, and then on Friday we get to drive to Orlando for that one but i get my Ipad. So with having the iPad its awesome because no paper planners. No paper progress records. And we can find gators pretty instantaneously. 

So Christmas was cool we made breakfast for a member and his wife and then we both took a 2 hour long nap and then went to dinner. I ate pretty good on Christmas. Mac n cheese, mashed potato's, Prime rib, Honey ham, sams club rolls. It was nice and then talked to the family and then cried for a bit and then ate my humble pasta. I found out why ive gotten skinnier. Its because im not eating fast food all of the time. Also just home cooking does the trick. We found this super Bomb pizza place called Bada-Bing and its super good. They do new york style and its pretty spot on and its cheap cheap too but its good. 

So originally there were 20 of us that were supposed to come out and now theres 17. We be droppin but as long as they are happy thats what matters. Theres still like 200 of us total so thats all good.

So i feel bad because i didnt do much this week with christmas and all but yea


Elder Hanson

Monday, December 22, 2014

The First Weekly Email From FL

So this has been a crazy crazy crazy week. President Berry seems like a really nice guy and my comp Elder Pututua (Poo-too-tow) is really awesome and he actually is going to play for the Utes when he gets back to the real world. This is a whole different world out here. Ive been in rich rich spots clear down to sand roads in other spots. I never really experienced poverty until I came out here but I will go more into that on Thursday. So I just got here and I have a baptism of Christmas eve, a wedding between to gators (investigators) so that they can become baptized, and I have a new gator who is really receptive and she's already committed to baptism just not a date (ON THE FIRST LESSON!)

So my area is big. So big that it covers three towns. So big that its a full car area. But we do ride our bikes in the morning so that we can stay tuned and so that our bikes don't get dusty. Me and Elder P we actually live in a pretty nice townhouse. Its nothing extravagant but we make use of it. Its called Carmendy Square if you want to Google it. So in our area there is a HUGE lake called lake Gryphon and it is truly huge. The three towns that we cover are Lady lake(home base), Fruitland(we never go there) and Leesburg (that's where our church is) and most of it is pretty nice but there are spots we don't go down. We literally get fed here everyday. I have not have a dinner at home yet because the members feed us every night and I have actually gotten skinnier and im really confused about it. I actually met Clints sister yesterday and im like AH MAH GASH! The members here are super helpful. They will go with us to lessons, give us rides, feed us, give us food, give us anything we need. Some of the members don't even have much but they still give all that they can and its amazing.

Me and Elder P did service earlier this week and we cleaned an apartment... I have never seen such purely awful living conditions. Carpets are stained with who knows what, food left out in the room, trash everywhere, clothes thrown everywhere, cigarettes thrown every where. I was gaging it was so bad. But we were with the westerns and we actually cleaned the majority of it. But She's a single mom with a special needs son who cant speak or use the bathroom, lives on welfare, kids and stained mattresses with no sheets, no money for Christmas, nothing to there name. And they are just the sweetest little kids. Seeing this made me ask myself why I am out in Florida doing this. But to see the joy in the kids eyes for them to see the room clean and for them to see that they will have presents (donated by the ward) made it worthwhile and reminded me about the simple things in life and that no matter our situation we need to appreciate them.

There's a senior missionary couple that's out here with us. The Westerns. They are angels and they will do anything for any one. The family that had the nasty apartment they got the boys new mattresses, sheets, pillows, the carpets cleaned, Christmas presents, FOOD! They help so many people that cant help themselves and they are just amazing. She actually asked me what kind of cake I wanted for my birthday and she insisted that I have a cake for my birthday. They are just saints.

So I am impatiently waiting to receive my Ipad and I wont get it until the second of January so I am stuck with paper means currently and it sucks. but good things come to those who wait. Also honesty time...I opened all of my birthday presents before my birthday. If you were a missionary would understand how bad the boredom can get when your done with the day. So sorry in advance (im not really sorry) .

There's a saying once you get in the field "The Lord recognizes the elders and sisters who are prideful and think about themselves rather than others. Those Elders and sisters get sent to difficult foreign missions to learn the lessons of humility and charity. Don't be like those Elders and Sisters." To any youth or anyone who thinks that missions are easy slap them. The MTC is hard. The Field is even harder. He will struggle more than he has ever struggled. It happens to every missionary. People will say they will write you. Some will, Most wont. He will learn all of this.

Randi should stop getting sick. That's gross. Kyle's done did good. (insert various other praises) SOOOO there are some things I require =D. A GPS, missionary library, a camera cord or someway to get pics off of my camera onto the computer for emails, a big flash drives, more music (we follow the white handbook rule  on music), more huckleberry stuff. ok so heres something totally sucky. I CANT FREAKING FISH IN MY MISSION I MEAN WHAT THE HECK! Apparently gators and water moccasins/cottonmouths have to ruin everything. Also no airboats which I hate because I want to see the canals and lakes. But oh well. So Spanish moss is awesome like for real.

Anyways I love you all. I love it out here and im glad that I decided to come out and I cant wait to see you all on Christmas!

Love Elder Hanson

*Also I will be skyping at 3-5ish your time

Thursday, December 18, 2014

It's good to see this kid!

The mission website (http://floridaorlandomission.com/) posted these photos when Elder Hanson arrived in FL on Monday.  Doesn't he look great?

Monday, December 15, 2014

Elder Hanson arrives in Florida

So I got here at 3 o'clock Florida time. It's humid and super awesome and pretty here. There's lakes literally everywhere. I don't have much time tonight so I love you all so much and tomorrow I will be going to work!

Love, Elder Hanson